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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

Forwarded by: "Peter Imber" <>
From: "Watchman.Net" <>
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 3:11 PM

The Ministry of "ONE-ANOTHERING"
-by Chip Brogden.
[ ]

"Whoever wants to become the greatest must become
the servant of all" (Mark 10:44).

When anyone comes to me now and wants my advice
about "going" into the ministry, the first thing I seek to
do is upset all their ideas about ministry and talk to
them about being a servant, taking the back seat, being
hidden from view, lowering yourself, and practicing the
art of One-Anothering.

The ministry of One-Anothering doesn't require a
platform, a pulpit, a building, a budget, or a Board. You
can start immediately, with no training and with no
experience, and you don't have to quit your job or do
anything dramatic. You cannot be voted in, and you
cannot be voted out. The Life you possess qualifies
you to be in the full-time ministry of One-Anothering.

Your wounds are your credentials. You can go to your
brothers and sisters right now and say, "The Lord has
called me to the ministry, and I am beginning it today."
Love, pray for, encourage, and serve the saints. So
many times we have observed individuals who claim to
be called to some great work but they neglect the basic
principles of One-Anothering. There is no competition
for the lowest position, so let all who love the Lord go
there first and become a servant.
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