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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

MODERATOR: There is a lot of talk these days about
"New Apostolic Reformation". Pastors are networking
across cities and building a solid bloc of leaders in each
region. They are thinking in citywide terms. Many are
proclaiming that this is the fulfillment of the "new thing" that
God is doing. A "new reformation" - they say.

But hang on a minute. Isn't true Reformation all about the
raising up of NEW leaders and an entirely different direction
and structure to the church? In fact, has not Reformation in
the past meant that many of the old leaders "lost their
heads" so to speak, and God raised up an entire New Move
to take their place? Isn't true Reformation supposed to be
the removal of "Saul" and the raising up of David?

So what is going on here? Why are leaders everywhere
welcoming this so-called "new reformation"? I'll tell you
why - because NOTHING really changes at all. The
existing leaders retain their existing churches and their
existing power bases. If anything, because they are now
so 'networked', they have more power than ever. More
power to keep the 'trouble-makers' out - the prophets,
the reformers and any other "troublers of Israel". This is
not a move to facilitate great 'change' in my opinion. In
most places all it seems to do is shore up the status-quo.
It makes the walls even higher and stronger. It is the
counterfeit of the real thing. It may even be used to keep
the "Davids" out.

In my view, this thing has "Old Boys Network" written all
over it. And yet it claims to be so 'apostolic' and new.
It is the Ishamael - the banding together of the old, all
the while claiming to be the "new thing". I find it deceptive
and dangerous.

One of these days a REAL Reformation will begin. And
then watch out!!

Below is an interesting article by David Orton relating
to all of this.
God bless you! -Andrew Strom.
Date sent: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 23:52:46 -0600

"Anointing the New Order"
-by David Orton.

"How long will you mourn for Saul… Fill your horn with oil
and be on your way…" (1 Sam 16:1).

Many are currently ‘networking’ the old instead of ‘anointing’
the new.

Let me explain. Because of his unbroken inner life the
kingdom had just been taken from Saul and promised to
one better than he – to David (1 Sam 15:28). His days on
the throne were now numbered.

But Samuel mourns for Saul, unable to make the transition
to the new order. Although he was the prophetic vessel
announcing the judgement on the old he faltered at
anointing the new.

Why was this? Because even in the prophet’s eyes Saul
was an impressive king. He was “an impressive young man
without equal…a head taller than any of the others”
(1 Sam 9:2; 10:23).

Human reasoning

It would appear that the strength of the natural man is such
that even the prophet was influenced by human reasoning.
Remember, Israel had cried out for a king so as to be like
all the other nations (see 1 Sam 8:5). Surely, Saul was the
man, despite the failings of his inner life. He was “head and
shoulders’ above his peers. How could God choose
somebody less impressive?

This natural reasoning so influenced Samuel that when he
did finally go to anoint the new king he was immediately
attracted to David’s older brothers. The Scripture records
that, “Samuel saw Eliab and thought, ‘Surely the Lord’s
anointed stands here before the Lord.’ But the Lord said
to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height,
for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the
things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance,
but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Sam 16:6-7).

And so, man in his estimation of spiritual things is
governed by his seeing and his thinking. Samuel ‘saw’
Eliab and he ‘thought’. Except for the Spirit our thinking is
fed by our five senses, and therefore, by appearances.
Surely, Samuel thought, if Saul is no longer ‘the man’ this
impressive young dude is. But apparently not, because
“the Lord does not look at the things man looks at”. Man
looks at the visible, the outwardly impressive – he
measures by success, popularity, and position. But the
Lord looks at the invisible, at the hidden condition of the
heart. He sees through the outward pretence of human
things – of prestige and position, into the inner man. On
losing the kingdom this inner condition in Saul is exposed.
Rather than breaking he cries out to Samuel, “please
honour me before the elders…and before Israel” (1 Sam
15:30). He was more interested in his dignity than his
deliverance. Such is the case with the old order.

Changing mindsets

Now the difficulty the prophetic person faces, as with
Samuel, in making the transition from the old order to the
new is a change of mindsets. Apparently it is possible to
pronounce God’s judgements on the old and even proceed
to anoint the new but still be governed by the old. By old
mindsets that judge after the flesh rather than after the
Spirit. By dependence on Saul – a human king who is
distinguished by superior strength and stature.

Surely, this is the current situation in the church. Like
ancient Israel we have cried out, “Give us a king like all the
other nations”. And we have become like the world, judging
the things of God after the flesh, and therefore, depending
on human programs over God’s presence, on activity over
adoration, on man’s structures over God’s Spirit.

But the temptation the Samuels, the transitional prophets
and reformers, face is operating out of the same spirit even
as they preside over the transition.

Wow – how subtle is the deception of our own hearts. As
Jeremiah complained, “Who can know it?” (Jer 17:9).

‘Networking’ the old

And so, we have many ‘networking’ the old rather then
‘anointing’ the new. Now many of my ‘networking’ friends
are not going to like this. But even those of us who are
hungering for community transformation and are
desperately desirous of moving into a new order of things,
and even those who are called to prophetically preside
over this transition are often only ‘networking’ the old –
perpetuating Saul’s reign. How can this be?

Before I answer, please don’t misunderstand me – I
believe in networking – in unity, and community
transformation. I am involved in all of these. But our
‘networking’ of pastors, of community transformation and
even of the prophetic will not do it. Of course we need to
be communicating and connecting with one another, that
is a given, but this in itself will not do it.

Because the Saul-system is a spirit, or a mindset, before
it is a structure. We can actually network a new structure
but still be of the old spirit. We can even network a ‘new
apostolic movement’ but still miss the point.

Or conversely, we can network old structures in an old
spirit. Many citywide pastors’ networks in reality are merely
a networking of the old – a networking of the existing order.
At the end of the day the prevailing success, growth, and
consumer demands of the Western church prevail
demanding the loyalty of pastors. They are controlled by
the expectations and demands of the status quo. And
central to this is their financial security. While these new
networks are undoubtedly being raised up by God and are
integral to the transition to the biblical paradigm of the city
church they will stall if the root issues are not confronted.
All our networking will be reduced to merely rearranging
the deck chairs on a sinking ship.

It is therefore time to fully comprehend the radical, in fact,
the revolutionary departure of the new order from the old.

The ‘Saul spirit’

Integral to this though is the revelation of the Saul spirit.
This is where even Samuel momentarily faltered. Seduced
by the impressiveness of Saul, by appearances, he grieved
over the passing of the old and could not fully identify with
the new. It is easier to work with the old, with that which in
the eyes of men is esteemed and respectable, with the
successful and powerful. To anoint a David, young and
unknown, was too radical a departure. Not even considered
by his father David, however, had been seen by God.

And so, there is a point where the Samuels must align
themselves with the choice of God. When they must fill
their horn with oil and anoint the new. When in heart and
will they make their break from the security of Saul –
when they have no choice but to go with God. God’s
choice will never be popular. He inevitably chooses the
foolish things to confound the wise, and the things that
are not to bring to nothing the things that are.

The emerging church & the new Davidic order

This is the hour for the emerging church – for men and
women after the heart of David – for brokenness of heart,
for 24/7 intercessory worship, and above all else, for the
pursuit of God’s presence over our programs.

As with Samuel the time has come to shift gears. To
align ourselves with the new Davidic order – to anoint
those who have a heart for the presence and who will
play only to an audience of one. To judge only after the
Spirit and go with the move of God.

It is time to fill our horn with oil and be on our way.

Copyright © David Orton 2003.