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What's In a Name? Part 3

Posted by: Asn <Asn@...>

My schedule has prevented me from completing this until now. I apologize for the delay. This is the final installment in our look at some of the names of God. I trust this has been helpful to you in getting to know your Heavenly Father more intimately.

Jehovah Shalom - The Lord Is Peace
Judges 6:24 (NIV)
So Gideon built an altar to the Lord there and called it The Lord is Peace. To this day it stands in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.

The disciples faced a real storm in Matthew 8, so furious that the waves were coming over the boat. The truth of the storm notwithstanding, there was an even greater truth: the eternal Master and Commander lay sleeping in the vessel. Jesus had peace; the disciples had fear. Jehovah wants to give you peace more wonderful than the human mind can understand (Phil 4:6-7) even in the midst of the storms.

Jehovah Shammah - The Lord is There
Ezekiel 48:35 (NLT)
The distance around the entire city will be six miles. And from that day the name of the city will be `The LORD Is There.'

David tells us there is no place we can go that God's presence is not there (Psalm 139). In the depths of depression, God is there. In the struggles of addiction, God is there. In the onslaught of abuse, God is there. He is an ever-present, faithful Friend and He absolutely refuses to forsake you under any circumstances (Hebrews 13:5 AMP). He is with you and He is in you (Colossians 1:27).

Jehovah M'Kaddesh - The Lord is Holy
Leviticus 20:26 (NIV)
You are to be holy to me because I, the Lord, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own.

God wants us to be set apart for Him - a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people (1 Peter 2:9). We are not to live like the world, but rather to have a renewed mindset that is attuned to God's word and His ways (Romans 12:1-2). In a holy life, sin is occasional, not habitual, and is always followed by true repentance; our spirit is grieved when we sin, and we turn tenaciously away from that sin and back to God, seeking His forgiveness. The Lord is holy and desires a people for Himself who are holy.

Father God, thank You for Your peace that passes all understanding; may it mount guard over my heart and mind. Please help me to rest in Your embrace and know that no circumstance I face is greater than my God. You have promised that You will never leave me or abandon me; You are an ever-present help in time of need. How is it that a holy God would desire a relationship with common man? Yet you desired it so strongly that you willingly sent Your only Son to the cross to purchase righteousness for me so that I could stand in Your presence! The boundlessness of Your love leaves me speechless. Thank You for allowing me to see just a glimpse of You through Your names. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.