Quote from Forum Archives on January 18, 2007, 6:16 pmPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-Andrew Strom.Before I get onto this question, I just want to briefly tell you about
the wonderful weekend I just spent in California with a group of
young praying radicals (-maybe 20 or so in number). Over the
weekend there were several baptisms - in which the young people
themselves did the baptizing - and several others got powerfully
filled with the Holy Spirit. We had an outreach on Skid Row in Los
Angeles (-I have never seen so many homeless people!) and one
of the young people cast several major demons out of a crack-
addicted man on the streets. We also preached the gospel using
Rap music through a small sound system - using each song to
preach a different part of the gospel. It was powerfully effective.
I have never seen "street music" work so well. All in all, a powerful
weekend and a real pointer to what lies ahead. (These youth are
all involved in the "Revival Army" movement that is just getting off
the ground. -Our 'SWAT'-type uniforms are on order this week).Now, onto my original question - "WHAT'S the PLAN, ANDREW??"
I guess a number of people lately have been asking this kind of
thing. Is our family moving back to New Zealand, or staying in
America? What is our exact direction? And what is this "Revival
Army" thing, and on what basis is it being formed?Firstly, let me say that as long as we see real signs of hope for
Revival in America, then we are committed to stay. As most of
you know, we have certainly had our share of disappointments
since we arrived in the USA. The state of things in Kansas City
was particularly discouraging. But we are pressing on - in fact with
more energy and urgency than ever - just as God is leading us.
We love the USA and long to see Revival here. You may have
noticed our huge emphasis on PRAYER lately. That is because
the hour is so urgent - but also because God is opening big doors
in that direction. Long may it continue! Like always in this nation,
we will never see real Revival without heart-rending, agonizing prayer.So please believe me when I tell you - We are in no hurry to leave
and we don't WANT to leave, and as long as we see real HOPE
for Revival, I believe we'll stay. We are also committed to being in
the most effective part of the country that God leads us to - even if
that means moving around a bit. We homeschool our children (-we
have 5 with us), so we can do that. Whatever it takes - that is what
I guess for those who have been on this List for less than 5 years,
I need to explain a bit of the background to this. For almost as
long as I have felt called to be a 'Revival' preacher (-which goes
back into my teens), I have also carried a vision from God for a
"street army" similar to the early Salvation Army of 130 years ago.I don't know why this vision has stayed with me so strongly for
so long. (-It has something to do with being a MUSICIAN
as well. -We have discussed a coming "street revival music" on
this List many times). From the first time I read about the early
Salvation Army, and their zeal and anointing on the streets, I felt
very deeply that in this movement is found a powerful link to the
"last days" army that God would raise up. -I still feel that way. And
over the years, God has greatly deepened and expanded that vision.
For periods of time I would leave it alone, but it would always
come back just as strongly. (-I let it "die" a number of times).In New Zealand we were involved with bands and street-music
for many years. (-From this I got involved in video and other media
as well - which I always felt would play a big role in things). Street
Revival has been a huge emphasis for a very long time.Ex-GANG BANGERS
Around 1997 we formed 'Salvation SAS' in New Zealand - which
was a street-team of around 12 people that outreached on the
streets wearing 'camo' army uniforms. (-Not a good look in America!)
We often ministered alongside ex-gang leaders, and the band we
formed in this period was called "Gate Crash Hell". We also spread
our message using secular television - with a 5-part TV series called
"Gate Crash Hell TV" which I wrote and produced. (-We interviewed
Christian ex-gang leaders, etc.) Our band played and spoke at
several large outdoor events, but God pulled the plug on the whole
thing around the year 2000. I received a prophecy from a lady that
rang very true - that basically - "Now is not the right time for this
army. But one day it will be GOD - and then you will move into it."
We still await the complete fulfilment of that word.Since 2001, even though I had basically gotten to the "commercial"
level of video production, I have done almost nothing with video. We
have also done very little with street-music or "street-army" type
of stuff. -Just a "toe in the water" here and there. Every so often
something hopeful would happen, and I would test the waters for
a bit - but it never turned out to be right. You may remember a
couple of years ago with the 'John the Baptist' Conferences and the
"Facilitators", etc, that we tried for a time to head in this direction.
But again it was not working out, and we abandoned it before too
long. (-My sincere apologies again to all concerned).Even though this whole vision is a major calling on my life, I have
been through so many discouragements with it that I have tended
to "walk with a limp" over the whole thing. It actually gave me a
whole new understanding of that Scripture, "Hope deferred makes
the heart sick"! But I had to realize too that a time of waiting and
preparation and "death" is essential to the whole process. And
there have certainly been 'deaths' with this one!So what makes this time different, then? Why do I have hopes for
the "Revival Army" that is currently being formed? -Well, one of the
major reasons is that this time we are beginning with a core group
of young people who genuinely move in the POWER OF THE SPIRIT.
They PRAY in the power of the Holy Spirit, they PREACH in the
power of the Holy Spirit, and they see SIGNS & WONDERS on
the streets by the power of the Holy Spirit. -That is a lot different to
what we have started with before. Also, "TIMING" is a huge thing.Can you imagine a street movement ministering to the homeless
and the gangs and the poor with a piercing 'repentance' gospel -
with street-music and healings and deliverances flowing - and with
a totally "militant" attitude against the works of darkness? Can
you imagine street-videos and street-music and the Internet being
used to spread this message far and wide?We need to be MISSIONARIES to our own country. We need to
adapt to the language and the culture better than we ever have
before - without altering our message one bit. That is what the
early Salvation Army did, and that is what we have to do. We have
to be MISSIONARIES to America.-And believe me, if we can imagine an army like that, then the
devil can too - and it is his worst nightmare come true. -Which is
why I ask you all to bathe this whole thing in PRAYER, my friends.
-This is so crucial.One of the things we feel led to do this year is to hold "PRAYER
AND REVIVAL"-type conferences all over North America. We have
recently purchased a 15-passenger van so we can travel with these
young people far and wide. (-More on these Conferences later).Meantime, please keep all of this in your PRAYERS, my friends.
As I said, the devil will not be taking an "army" like this lying down.Thankyou so much, and here's to a wonderful 2007.
[Discuss this article on the forum at- http://www.revivalschool.com ]
God bless you all,
-Andrew Strom.
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-Andrew Strom.
Before I get onto this question, I just want to briefly tell you about
the wonderful weekend I just spent in California with a group of
young praying radicals (-maybe 20 or so in number). Over the
weekend there were several baptisms - in which the young people
themselves did the baptizing - and several others got powerfully
filled with the Holy Spirit. We had an outreach on Skid Row in Los
Angeles (-I have never seen so many homeless people!) and one
of the young people cast several major demons out of a crack-
addicted man on the streets. We also preached the gospel using
Rap music through a small sound system - using each song to
preach a different part of the gospel. It was powerfully effective.
I have never seen "street music" work so well. All in all, a powerful
weekend and a real pointer to what lies ahead. (These youth are
all involved in the "Revival Army" movement that is just getting off
the ground. -Our 'SWAT'-type uniforms are on order this week).
Now, onto my original question - "WHAT'S the PLAN, ANDREW??"
I guess a number of people lately have been asking this kind of
thing. Is our family moving back to New Zealand, or staying in
America? What is our exact direction? And what is this "Revival
Army" thing, and on what basis is it being formed?
Firstly, let me say that as long as we see real signs of hope for
Revival in America, then we are committed to stay. As most of
you know, we have certainly had our share of disappointments
since we arrived in the USA. The state of things in Kansas City
was particularly discouraging. But we are pressing on - in fact with
more energy and urgency than ever - just as God is leading us.
We love the USA and long to see Revival here. You may have
noticed our huge emphasis on PRAYER lately. That is because
the hour is so urgent - but also because God is opening big doors
in that direction. Long may it continue! Like always in this nation,
we will never see real Revival without heart-rending, agonizing prayer.
So please believe me when I tell you - We are in no hurry to leave
and we don't WANT to leave, and as long as we see real HOPE
for Revival, I believe we'll stay. We are also committed to being in
the most effective part of the country that God leads us to - even if
that means moving around a bit. We homeschool our children (-we
have 5 with us), so we can do that. Whatever it takes - that is what
we will do.
I guess for those who have been on this List for less than 5 years,
I need to explain a bit of the background to this. For almost as
long as I have felt called to be a 'Revival' preacher (-which goes
back into my teens), I have also carried a vision from God for a
"street army" similar to the early Salvation Army of 130 years ago.
I don't know why this vision has stayed with me so strongly for
so long. (-It has something to do with being a MUSICIAN
as well. -We have discussed a coming "street revival music" on
this List many times). From the first time I read about the early
Salvation Army, and their zeal and anointing on the streets, I felt
very deeply that in this movement is found a powerful link to the
"last days" army that God would raise up. -I still feel that way. And
over the years, God has greatly deepened and expanded that vision.
For periods of time I would leave it alone, but it would always
come back just as strongly. (-I let it "die" a number of times).
In New Zealand we were involved with bands and street-music
for many years. (-From this I got involved in video and other media
as well - which I always felt would play a big role in things). Street
Revival has been a huge emphasis for a very long time.
Around 1997 we formed 'Salvation SAS' in New Zealand - which
was a street-team of around 12 people that outreached on the
streets wearing 'camo' army uniforms. (-Not a good look in America!)
We often ministered alongside ex-gang leaders, and the band we
formed in this period was called "Gate Crash Hell". We also spread
our message using secular television - with a 5-part TV series called
"Gate Crash Hell TV" which I wrote and produced. (-We interviewed
Christian ex-gang leaders, etc.) Our band played and spoke at
several large outdoor events, but God pulled the plug on the whole
thing around the year 2000. I received a prophecy from a lady that
rang very true - that basically - "Now is not the right time for this
army. But one day it will be GOD - and then you will move into it."
We still await the complete fulfilment of that word.
Since 2001, even though I had basically gotten to the "commercial"
level of video production, I have done almost nothing with video. We
have also done very little with street-music or "street-army" type
of stuff. -Just a "toe in the water" here and there. Every so often
something hopeful would happen, and I would test the waters for
a bit - but it never turned out to be right. You may remember a
couple of years ago with the 'John the Baptist' Conferences and the
"Facilitators", etc, that we tried for a time to head in this direction.
But again it was not working out, and we abandoned it before too
long. (-My sincere apologies again to all concerned).
Even though this whole vision is a major calling on my life, I have
been through so many discouragements with it that I have tended
to "walk with a limp" over the whole thing. It actually gave me a
whole new understanding of that Scripture, "Hope deferred makes
the heart sick"! But I had to realize too that a time of waiting and
preparation and "death" is essential to the whole process. And
there have certainly been 'deaths' with this one!
So what makes this time different, then? Why do I have hopes for
the "Revival Army" that is currently being formed? -Well, one of the
major reasons is that this time we are beginning with a core group
of young people who genuinely move in the POWER OF THE SPIRIT.
They PRAY in the power of the Holy Spirit, they PREACH in the
power of the Holy Spirit, and they see SIGNS & WONDERS on
the streets by the power of the Holy Spirit. -That is a lot different to
what we have started with before. Also, "TIMING" is a huge thing.
Can you imagine a street movement ministering to the homeless
and the gangs and the poor with a piercing 'repentance' gospel -
with street-music and healings and deliverances flowing - and with
a totally "militant" attitude against the works of darkness? Can
you imagine street-videos and street-music and the Internet being
used to spread this message far and wide?
We need to be MISSIONARIES to our own country. We need to
adapt to the language and the culture better than we ever have
before - without altering our message one bit. That is what the
early Salvation Army did, and that is what we have to do. We have
to be MISSIONARIES to America.
-And believe me, if we can imagine an army like that, then the
devil can too - and it is his worst nightmare come true. -Which is
why I ask you all to bathe this whole thing in PRAYER, my friends.
-This is so crucial.
One of the things we feel led to do this year is to hold "PRAYER
AND REVIVAL"-type conferences all over North America. We have
recently purchased a 15-passenger van so we can travel with these
young people far and wide. (-More on these Conferences later).
Meantime, please keep all of this in your PRAYERS, my friends.
As I said, the devil will not be taking an "army" like this lying down.
Thankyou so much, and here's to a wonderful 2007.
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God bless you all,
-Andrew Strom.