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When life gets overwhelming, Lord

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

*~* When life gets overwhelming, Lord *~*
When life gets overwhelming, Lord, You give me endless hope,
When worries crowd around me, Your Presence helps me cope.
If only I'd remember, Lord, that You're the one in charge,
My fretting would decrease and my blessings would enlarge.
Thank You, Lord, for sending angels to my side,
Especially at those times - when I broke down and cried.
Nothing, Lord, is greater than Your Presence ever near,
Praise to You, I say, for Your Love that's always clear.
What happiness I have, Lord, with Joyful gifts You send,
My gratitude for You, Lord, must never ever end.
*~* When I Am Silent *~*
As I sat before my computer
Searching for words that I could share,
As I sought I finally discovered
My spiritual cupboard was bare.
So I asked the Holy Spirit
What things He'd have me say,
And this that you're receiving,
Are my 'thoughts' for today.
I am in need of God's refilling
In order to give more away,
I have definitely been depleted,
For it's the words of God I share each day.
I am confident more is coming,
He has convinced me of the need,
To reach out to as many as will receive Him,
He wants a harvest from this seed.
I have a love for this Internet family,
You have each earned a special place,
In this heart of hearts that longs only,
To share God's love and unfailing grace.
So in times when I seem silent,
I'm not absent but absorbed in the Word,
And will stay within His Presence,
Until His voice I'm sure I've heard


*~* Only One *~*
This bright,new day. Complete with 24 hours of opportunities, choices and attitudes... A perfectly matched set of 1440 minutes.
This unique gift, this one day cannot be exchanged, replaced or refunded.
Handle with care. Make the most of it. There is only one to a customer.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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