WHERE DID the GOSPEL GO?? - Peter Hansen
Quote from Forum Archives on July 30, 2009, 9:26 amPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-by Peter Hansen.A Desperate World in Need of the Pure Gospel!
The world is in deep trouble!
Billions of people are living in poverty around the world. About 2.8
billion people are living on less than two dollars a day. Millions are
dying from starvation and diseases in the Third World. The global
financial crisis has caused millions to lose their home and the
world has probably just seen the beginning of a major global crisis
that not even the financial experts could have foretold. The threat
of nuclear war is hanging in the air and the most powerful nations
of the globe are fighting for the last reserves of oil.While some families cant even afford a single meal on the table
each day, others are addicted to drugs, gambling and alcohol.
Millions in the west are so mentally depressed that they try to
escape this world of loneliness in alcohol, drugs, perversions and
suicide. The world is screaming for help and solutions for a messed
up society that has nothing to offer but endless talk shows and
online entertainment.People are seriously desperate for finding a deeper meaning, hope
and inner peace. This world seems to have everything to offer, but
in reality is more out of control morally and spiritually than ever. I
can boldly say that this world needs the full gospel message of
Jesus Christ. Not another sermon or conference about self
happiness, but the pure full gospel of salvation. That is the one
and only thing that can bring peace to the mind and restore the
soul.But how sad it is that the preaching of the full gospel has been
downgraded to some cultural light gospel show with fancy stage
performance and blinking lights! Where are the full gospel preachers
who dare to stand up for the truth, who dare to preach salvation,
hope, hell, holiness and grace. Where are those who proclaim that
Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven?The problem is that millions of people have been deceived and
blinded with a feel good gospel, a light lukewarm message that
only talks about happiness, prosperity, self-development and me,
me and me instead of Him, Him and Him!Where did the gospel go?
Is todays modern church really afraid of teaching the full living
gospel? Is it afraid of being politically incorrect and offending the
masses? Many churches are on a very dangerous path. A path
that will only lead to possible destruction. Let me point out, that if
there is no gospel message of sin, grace, repentance and salvation
there is zero!And while thousands of churches are playing seeker sensitive
churches and being politically correct, millions of non-believers
are screaming for spiritual truth that can give them real hope and
reality based on the word of God. The truth of the gospel will set
them free, but if there is no one preaching the truth of the gospel,
many will go to hell, believing in a different gospel (2 Corinthians
11:3-4) (Galatians 1:6-7) . That is the hard facts. A very good
place to read and study what Jesus is saying is in Matthew
chapter 24. Jesus mentions here in chapter 24 that many will be
deceived by false prophets and teachers.It is so easy for self-proclaimed prophets to make up weird crazy
doctrines and get thousands of followers, because in many
churches there is a great lack of Christian discipleship based on
the word of God. The focus on Jesus and his teaching and
discipleship has been replaced with feel-good teachings that
totally lacks the important teachings about repentance, sin, hell,
grace and holiness.On a five week mission trip to Ethiopia recently I was scheduled to
speak in different churches. In my sermon preparation I felt a deep
conviction to preach and focus more on the gospel that Jesus
taught and His life, more than I had ever done before. And the
pastors and local evangelists were amazed and almost shocked by
the clear gospel teaching, because they were not used to that!We have to remember that the gospel is what sets us free. We
need to bring the full gospel back in our churches, mission fields
and to a desperate seeking world. There is only one hope and that
is Jesus Christ. We have to renew our passion for being in the
presence of Jesus. We must take up our cross and lay down our
lives and follow Christ and be filled with the Holy Spirit. We must
renew our minds daily in Gods presence. We must study the life
of Jesus and the Word of God and let it become part of us, inside
out.The living word of God will change your life and you will see its
powerful effects, and not only will you be empowered by his Word,
the world around you will experience the saving and healing power
of Jesus Christ. Make the gospel the focus of your life and ministry
and tell others as well.-Peter Capili Hansen.
SOURCE: gospelmiracle.org
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-by Peter Hansen.
A Desperate World in Need of the Pure Gospel!
The world is in deep trouble!
Billions of people are living in poverty around the world. About 2.8
billion people are living on less than two dollars a day. Millions are
dying from starvation and diseases in the Third World. The global
financial crisis has caused millions to lose their home and the
world has probably just seen the beginning of a major global crisis
that not even the financial experts could have foretold. The threat
of nuclear war is hanging in the air and the most powerful nations
of the globe are fighting for the last reserves of oil.
While some families cant even afford a single meal on the table
each day, others are addicted to drugs, gambling and alcohol.
Millions in the west are so mentally depressed that they try to
escape this world of loneliness in alcohol, drugs, perversions and
suicide. The world is screaming for help and solutions for a messed
up society that has nothing to offer but endless talk shows and
online entertainment.
People are seriously desperate for finding a deeper meaning, hope
and inner peace. This world seems to have everything to offer, but
in reality is more out of control morally and spiritually than ever. I
can boldly say that this world needs the full gospel message of
Jesus Christ. Not another sermon or conference about self
happiness, but the pure full gospel of salvation. That is the one
and only thing that can bring peace to the mind and restore the
But how sad it is that the preaching of the full gospel has been
downgraded to some cultural light gospel show with fancy stage
performance and blinking lights! Where are the full gospel preachers
who dare to stand up for the truth, who dare to preach salvation,
hope, hell, holiness and grace. Where are those who proclaim that
Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven?
The problem is that millions of people have been deceived and
blinded with a feel good gospel, a light lukewarm message that
only talks about happiness, prosperity, self-development and me,
me and me instead of Him, Him and Him!
Where did the gospel go?
Is todays modern church really afraid of teaching the full living
gospel? Is it afraid of being politically incorrect and offending the
masses? Many churches are on a very dangerous path. A path
that will only lead to possible destruction. Let me point out, that if
there is no gospel message of sin, grace, repentance and salvation
there is zero!
And while thousands of churches are playing seeker sensitive
churches and being politically correct, millions of non-believers
are screaming for spiritual truth that can give them real hope and
reality based on the word of God. The truth of the gospel will set
them free, but if there is no one preaching the truth of the gospel,
many will go to hell, believing in a different gospel (2 Corinthians
11:3-4) (Galatians 1:6-7) . That is the hard facts. A very good
place to read and study what Jesus is saying is in Matthew
chapter 24. Jesus mentions here in chapter 24 that many will be
deceived by false prophets and teachers.
It is so easy for self-proclaimed prophets to make up weird crazy
doctrines and get thousands of followers, because in many
churches there is a great lack of Christian discipleship based on
the word of God. The focus on Jesus and his teaching and
discipleship has been replaced with feel-good teachings that
totally lacks the important teachings about repentance, sin, hell,
grace and holiness.
On a five week mission trip to Ethiopia recently I was scheduled to
speak in different churches. In my sermon preparation I felt a deep
conviction to preach and focus more on the gospel that Jesus
taught and His life, more than I had ever done before. And the
pastors and local evangelists were amazed and almost shocked by
the clear gospel teaching, because they were not used to that!
We have to remember that the gospel is what sets us free. We
need to bring the full gospel back in our churches, mission fields
and to a desperate seeking world. There is only one hope and that
is Jesus Christ. We have to renew our passion for being in the
presence of Jesus. We must take up our cross and lay down our
lives and follow Christ and be filled with the Holy Spirit. We must
renew our minds daily in Gods presence. We must study the life
of Jesus and the Word of God and let it become part of us, inside
The living word of God will change your life and you will see its
powerful effects, and not only will you be empowered by his Word,
the world around you will experience the saving and healing power
of Jesus Christ. Make the gospel the focus of your life and ministry
and tell others as well.
-Peter Capili Hansen.
SOURCE: gospelmiracle.org