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Where is everyone?

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Sorry I've been pretty quiet lately unless directly addressed on the list. Thought I'd update you all. First of all, thank you to everyone that has been or is praying for my health. No matter of herbs, colloidal silver, etc. was improving my condition. It worked for a few days and then I was right back to feeling miserable again. The worst of it has been since the miscarriage last year. The M.D's kept telling me my thyroid was enlarged. They've been telling me this since 1999....however, they said my blood tests were normal. After exhausting all other options as to why I was having all these weird symptoms, so weak and tired all the time, etc. (Don't laugh but the thing that prompted me to action was hair started falling out a couple of weeks ago and I was afraid I would go bald at this rate.) I just knew something was wrong and if the doctors weren't going to do something about it...then I was. My family deserved better than what they were getting. I wasn't me and I sure wanted me back. I did some research and finally through some things in "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" I was led to the Wilson's Syndrome web site. More research and I was convinced this is what I had though more blood tests would be needed to confirm it AND there was only one doctor in MN that was knowledgeable in it's treatment. This man being a Licensed Naturopath (they are not covered by insurance in MN). Many M.D.'s also treat for it but none near me. This means I have to pay the guy out of pocket but hubby and I both decided it was worth a try. I went to him yesterday and after reviewing the lab results and a physical exam he confirmed I did infact have Wilson's. The good news is that it's treatable and can take up to 6 months to get it reversed though. During this time we have to be very careful not to get pregnant (death of a dream I guess). However, the Naturopath was very encouraging by saying I'd have a much easier and healthier pregnancy after treatment than before. My liver is also enlarged due to the thyroid. I also found out that some of my chronic health problems since childhood (though slight) were probably due to Wilson's. I was probably born with Wilson's and it's gone untreated all these years. Over the next few months I should become a more energetic person and a THINNER person again. I need to lose about 30lbs.

I also found out a few other things that I thought I'd pass along. This Naturopath also told me that he is seeing some dramatic life changing things happen for folks when the start eating according to their blood type. He encouraged us to buy the book and begin eating this way. He told me something else that I'd never heard before. He told me that most Naturopaths and Homeopathic doctors do not consider sheep or goats milk to be dairy. When you read these medical type books that tell you to stay away from dairy they are referring to cow dairy products. He also wanted to know why on earth we weren't raising our own chickens? I thought this was pretty funny. He said we were doing everything else right, raising goats for meat and milk and cheese, raising lamb, raising an organic garden, etc. That it was astounding to him that we weren't raising chickens too. (Long story but I refuse to raise chickens again until I have a proper hen house that will keep the sweet gals from freezing to death in the MN freezing temps.)

I really appreciate everyone on this list. I begin the treatment in approximately 20 minutes and the doc tells me that I may go through some ups and downs at first. If I seem absent...I'm just trying to adjust....Deanna