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Who Cares?

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2009, J. Randal Matheny

Here's my new year prayer for 2009:

by J. Randal Matheny

A thousand friends may never call
When times are hard, the way goes rough,
And none may note our stumbled fall,
When we declare we've had enough;

When children leave and parents fail,
Or mates withhold their kind support,
The postman brings no distant mail,
Or neighborly concern falls short;

We ask ourselves if someone cares,
When we must face our trials alone,
When no one cheers and no one shares
The hard success we've lately won;

There's one who cares, and deeply so,
Who sees our every smile and tear;
He laughs with us and weeps our woe,
He never leaves, he's always near.

With such a constant friend as he,
In every weather, foul and fair,
We find ourselves of all men free
To show the lonely that we care.

1. If you'd like to comment on today's poem,
please do so on this page, under my own:

2. If you were blessed today by this poem,
please forward it, as is, to some friends.