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why we do not grow

Posted by: preacher30673 <preacher30673@...>


JOSHUA 17: 14-15

                Statistics declare that the average productivity of a Christian's spiritual life is less than three years. This is troubling and startling to me.

                Billy Sunday used to say, "If we Christians were as weak physically as we are spiritually, we would all need crutches."

                If you are not growing spiritually, you ought to be worried. Growth is the normal and natural result of life; and if there isn't growth, that life is in jeopardy.

                Now, we are  not surprised when we grow physically; we expect it. If, by chance, growth doesn't occur, we immediately know something is wrong and attempt to uncover the problem (Gloria and Johnny).

                However, we often look upon Christians who have grown and are growing as extraordinary specimens of Christianity.       I believe as Christians we have no right to call ourselves normal until spiritual growth becomes as natural as physical growth.

                Just as there are enemies to physical growth, there are also enemies to spiritual growth. Our spiritual development is never unopposed. We do not simply drift into maturity. To grow we must swim upstream against the stubborn currents that try to hold us back.         

                You know your experience of salvation was real, and there has been some progress, but it is pitifully small, almost microscopic. What's the problem?

                The Bible tells us to grow in grace.

               This passage from Joshua  throws some light on why we do not grow or why we do not reach our full potential.

                The CHILDREN OF JOSEPH are an illustration for us today of some who failed to reach their potential. There are some who fail to maximize their lives, and I want us to see why they failed.


                There's a telling statement in verses 12, 13.

          Now don' miss this point: although Israel had conquered the land, many of the Canaanites,  the enemy, if you please  still lived there.

                See Joshua 16:10.

                The children of Joseph, that is, the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, complain to Joshua of the narrowness of their allotment, which was increased by the Canaanites still retaining so large a portion of it.

                Before Israel entered the land, God specified in no uncertain terms that all the inhabitants of the land were to be driven out completely - not a single Canaanite was to be left. But again and again, with  deliberate significance, we read that they did not drive them out. Now the land swarmed with both natives and newcomers. No wonder they complained of crowded conditions!

                Suppose you meet me on the street and ask how I am.  I answer by saying "Not so well. We need a larger house. There are only two of us, but we are crowded."

                "I can help you," you say. "There's a twelve room house for sale real cheap. A family of seven has lived there but they are wanting to   move."

                Off I go and buy the house and move my wife and I into the twelve rooms.

              A few days later you meet me again on the street and ask how I am.    "Not so well," I answer. "We need a larger house."

               "A larger house? But there are only two of you in that twelve room castle! How could you be crowded?" you reply.

                "Well, the former owners  seven of them, you know  are still living there, and it is pretty crowded."

                It would not require a genius to solve my problem. Move out the former owners.

                What right do I have to complain about crowded conditions when I am not using the room I have?

               And that was exactly the case with these two complaining tribes. The children of Joseph had plenty of room,   but it was occupied by the enemy. The children of Joseph, that is, the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, complain to Joshua of the smallest of their allotment, which was increased by the Canaanites still retaining so large a portion of it.

                Are you living up to your capacity? Look around; have you allowed some Canaanites to remain in your life?

                God told you to drive out every one, but there were two or three you were especially fond of, and so you've allowed them to hang around. Of course, you've given them strict orders to behave themselves  and for the most part they've done so. Let me tell you, there can be no continuing growth as long as you tolerate the presence of a single Canaanite.

                You're always going to be in trouble if        you keep company with Canaanites.

                Some of us have been keeping company with Canaanites, and we have no business keeping company with Canaanites. And, what                do I mean by Canaanites? I mean, sins that are      in our lives that we ought to be victorious over,               but we're not victorious.

                Do you know what God's plan for children of Joseph was complete victory. Did you know what God wants you to have?  Complete victory.

                It's interesting to note some of the reasons we keep  the Canaanites around:

                A.           A spirit of compromise

                                God said that every inhabitant had to go. We        reason that surely one or two won't make any        difference.       That's the way it begins. We               know a thing is wrong  but                 just a little bit will        not be bad we reason.

                                Why drive them all out? They make good workers and are cheap labor.  It could be very                 advantageous to keep a few of them around.

                                No matter how you say it, they were            compromising the Word of God, and that is plain,                 unadulterated disobedience.

                                A hunter cornered a large bear and was    ready to pull the trigger.  Just then the bear                 spoke in a        soft, soothing voice saying, "Isn't it              better to talk than     to shoot?  Why don't we negotiate the                matter?  What is it you want?"

                              The hunter lowered his rifle and answered, "I        want a fur coat."

                              "That's good," said the bear. "I think that's             something we can talk about.  All I want is something to                 eat; maybe we can reach a compromise."  So they sat      down to talk it over. 

                              A little while later the bear walked away   alone. The negotiations had been successful;         the bear     had a full stomach, and the hunter had  a fur coat!

                              Don't negotiate with the world! You'll lose              every time.

                B.           A spirit of complacency

                                Did you notice that  when  they  allowed the          Canaanites to stay, they put them to forced labor? That      means they made slaves of them. Sure, they had  been   the enemy; but now they were slaves and under control.

                                Who says the Bible isn't up to date? I           can't count      the number of people I've heard                 reason the same          way. "Yeah, I know it's not   altogether right  but I can    handle it. It's a                 problem, but I have learned to control it."

                                Have you ever heard someone say about his           drinking, "Oh, I can take it or leave it?"                 What's so great           about that? That's all anyone             can do  take it or leave it.     There is no third alternative. But I have observed      that those who say that usually choose to "Take it."

                                The truth is, the Israelites couldn't handle it. The                Canaanites refused to be slaves. And if the Israelites couldn't do it, neither can we. 

                C.           A spirit of cowardice

                                If it weren't so tragic, this would be funny.              Look at chapter 17:16. Joshua had told        the people that if                 they wanted more room, they           should go up to the forest   and clear the land.

                               Note their reply.

                                First, they said that the hill country wasn't big     enough, but actually they were afraid of the armed                 Canaanites.

                                However, I thought the Canaanites had     been put to forced labor. I thought they were                 slaves and        under control.               If so, then those are  the strangest                slaves I've ever heard                 of!

                               One of the big reasons we don't try to        drive out          the Canaanites (these pet sins and                 hidden habits) is         that we are afraid we can't. So we avoid a direct                 confrontation.

                                It's much more comfortable living with the             illusions that we can drive them out any time we please.        You say you can quit that habit any time you want    why don't you, then?              Is it possible that you are               the real slave?


II.            We will fail to REACH OUR FULL POTENTIAL WHEN  WE RATIONALLY   assume Preferential CONsideration (14)

                Surely they deserved special treatment. You couldn't expect someone as great as they were to live by the same rules as everyone else. It was the VIP treatment for them.

                After all, didn't Jacob personally adopt and especially bless them? And hadn't they multiplied in a great way? And wasn't Joshua from the tribe of Ephraim (Numbers 13:8)? They were a special people who deserved special treatment.

                Joshua, though a descendant himself of Joseph, remained perfectly impartial.

           I am simply amazed at how many believers actually feel this way. They know the laws governing growth and spirituality - faithful Bible study and prayer, up to date confession of sin, and  diligent obedience to the Word of God; however, they expect God's blessings without them.

             Our passage reveals two factors that contribute to their attitude.

                A.           Haughtiness

                                The sons of Joseph boasted that they         were a                great people and had been singularly blessed by the               Lord. This, they thought, should qualify them for                preferential treatment. They                 were descendants of the       man whom  Pharaoh                had made lord of Egypt.

                                Pride is a subtle termite that eats away the         foundation of Christian growth. It can attack a                  church or an individual with  equal deadliness.

                                A respected position in the church, widely               acclaimed talent, past blessings, high honors                  any one of        these can inflate us with the hot air              of arrogance.

                                An ancient Indonesian fable tells of a           turtle that        could fly. He would hold on to a stick                 with his mouth as      it was carried by geese. When the turtle heard the            onlookers on the ground saying, "Aren't those             geese brilliant!"

                                His pride was so hurt that he shouted, "It                was my idea!" Of course he lost his grip. His pride    became his downfall.

                                Unless we're humble, we're sure to               stumble.

                                There's one  thing that will keep us from living maximum lives, and it is paralyzing pride,                 pride where we think that we have arrived.

                B.           Laziness

                                I am convinced the main reason Christians are      not        more spiritual, more mature, more dedicated, is that        they are too lazy!

                                The major problem with most Christians is              laziness. It was so with the crowd in Joshua 17.   

                                            Joshua told them if they wanted more        land they          could have it if they were willing to work for it. Cut down       the trees and drive out           the Canaanites were the only                 stipulations. But that is exactly what they weren't willing            to do. They didn't want to build or battle; they just           wanted to beg.

Laziness begins with cobwebs, and ends with iron chains.

                                At this                precise               moment you are as spiritual as you               really want to be. Oh,                 I know we moan and groan,                wishing we were         more    spiritual; but wishing               won't get it. It is useless               to beg God      for more            growth if we are not willing to build and battle for          it.

                               One day a father took his son to Spurgeon's          College to study for the ministry under that prince of           preachers. When Mr.                Spurgeon told the father the             course of instruction would require several years, the      father said, "My son is an unusually bright young man! I'm          certain you could arrange for      him to finish much     sooner."

                                Mr. Spurgeon  replied, "Sir, God takes twenty       years to grow an oak tree and only six                 months to grow a      squash. Which do you want your son to be?"

                                There are no shortcuts to maturity. To        reach it               demands discipline and determination.


II.            We will fail to REACH OUR FULL POTENTIAL WHEN  WE RATIONALLY   assume Preferential CONsideration (14)

III.          We will fail to REACH OUR FULL POTENTIAL WHEN  WE FOOLISHLY   avoid proper COmmitments (17,18).

                Note Joshua's solution to their problem (17,18).    

                Clear out the forest and drive out the Canaanites. That was the simple solution to their growth problem.

                Until this is done, no expansion could be expected. The land was theirs,  but before they could possess it, certain  things had to be done. So it is with us. 

                Although they avoided proper commitments, I trust we will not; so let's examine more closely the two tasks Joshua assigned to them. I  call them proper commitments for growth. They are  as necessary to our growth as they were to theirs. 

                A.           Clear Out The Clutter ... Vs. 18a

                                Chop down the trees!

                                Nothing wrong with trees .... unless you   want to build a house, grow corn, or lay a road                 where a tree is growing.

                                These trees had to be removed .... if             trees are           cluttering the land    you can't say                 there's not enough   room.

                                They needed to clear out the harmless        things that      cluttered their life!

                                Have you done that?

                                Clear out the clutter!

                               The trees symbolize the many harmless      things, even good things, that fill the agenda of our                 daily lives.

                                I am certain that when we have talked        about the         necessity of a daily time of prayer and Bible study      someone has said, "Oh, that               would be great, but I'm          just too busy. I don't                 have room for another thing in my                day."

                                The truth is, we all have the same amount of         time, twenty four hours to the day and seven days to               the        week.

                                I find that people usually manage to             make time        for what they think is really important. And if you        don't have time to do              everything God intends you to do,                 it simply means that you are misusing some of your   time.

                                You will never find time for God; you will have to make time. This means some trees will                 have to be cut down.

                                In Matthew 13, Jesus described this              situation in     the parable of the sower. It is really                 a parable of the           soil, for the soil is the main                 subject of the story; The        part that concerns us    tells about the seed that fell into    thorny ground: "And some fell among the thorns, and the                 thorns sprung up and choked them " (Matthew                 13:7). Jesus explains the meaning in verse 22"He also             that received seed among the           thorns is he that heareth      the word; and the care           of this world, and the    deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he   becometh unfruitful."

                                Our lives so often become so cluttered       with the cares of this world, that the Word of       God is            strangled before it has a chance to grow.

                                Perhaps late night television will have to be           eliminated so you can rise earlier in order to                 have time         to pray and read the Word. That is only an example of    what I mean.

                                If you really want to know, God will show you the              trees you need to clear away. 

                                A high school science teacher wanted to   demonstrate a concept to his students. He takes a large-   mouth jar and places several large rocks in it. He then asks         the class, "Is it full?

                                Unanimously, the class reply, "Yes!"

                                The teacher then takes a bucket of gravel and      pours it into the jar. The small rocks settle into the spaces             between the big rocks.

                                He then asks the class, "Is it full?"

                                This time there are some students holding back,                 but most reply, "Yes!"

                                The teacher then produces a large can of sand     and proceeds to pour it into the jar. The sand fills up the       spaces between the gravel.

                                For the third time, the teacher asks, "Is it full?

                                Now most of the students are wary of        answering,      but again, many reply, "Yes!"

                                Then the teacher brings out a pitcher of water     and pours it into the jar. The water saturates the sand. At    this point the teacher asks the class, "What is the point of          this demonstration?"

                                One bright young student raises his hand and      then responds, "No matter how full one's schedule is in                 life, he can always squeeze in more things!"

                                "No," replies the teacher, "The point is that unless            you first place the big rocks into the jar, you are never        going to get them in."

                                The big rocks are the most important things in   your life.  If you fill your life with small things, as           demonstrated by the gravel, the sand, and the     water, you will never have the time for the important        things.

                                So, what are the "Big Rocks" in your life? If you    spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will                 never have room for the things that are truly important.

                                Pay attention to the things in life that are critical               to your spiritual growth first. Take care of the rocks first –           things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is                 just pebbles and sand.

                B.           Clean Out the Corruption

                                Vs. 18b    "... drive out the Canaanites."

                                We must clean out the harmful things        that      corrupt our lives.

                                After the trees come the Canaanites. Cut down the trees; then you will be able to drive       out the        enemy.

                                It would seem more reasonable to drive out the Canaanites first. After all do you think                 they're                going to            lounge around watching us chop down  those      trees?

                                But no, Joshua had the order correct. Cut                down the trees; then you will be able to drive                 out the               enemy.

                                The Canaanites—the Canaanites that we          favor, and the Canaanites that we fear— are to be        driven out of our lives. And, you say, "But, hasn't Joshua             gotten it backwards? Don't you think            that first of all we       ought to drive out the            Canaanites, and then clean up the                 woods?"

                                That's not the way Joshua told it. As a        matter of          fact, folks, before you get ready to do                 a battle, you'd               better clear off a spot to fight           from. There might be a           Canaanite in those trees.

                                It'll be a great day in your life when we       learn that worship comes before warfare. You                 know, it's         far more important for you to get the         things out of your      life that clutter your life so that you can just spend   some time with God,                learning what God wants you to      know, storing                 up, getting yourself strong, getting              yourself fortified, establishing a beachhead, and then,    and only then, can you go out and drive out the            Canaanites, the Canaanites that corrupt our          lives.

                                You will never have the power to drive out the    habits and hangover sins in your life                 until you give                priority to a daily time of fellowship - and                 communion with God. Once you have accomplished          this, the divine strength you              receive will enable you to     drive out the enemy.

                                Remember, we saw that although Israel    entered the land ready to fight, the first thing      God had       the nation do was worship. That's the        divine order: worship before warfare.

                                Mark 3:14 - And he ordained twelve, that they       should be with him, and that he might send them forth to                preach

                              You will never know or have  the power to drive                 out the habits of sin in your life until you give            priority to        a daily                 time of fellowship and            communion with God.            Worship comes before                 warfare.

                                There you have the two types of things      that keep us from being all we ought to be: the                 things that clutter our lives and the things that corrupt our lives.


                The principle of growth lives within every believer; just as with our physical development. However, we must cooperate with the laws of spiritual health if that growth is to be realized in our lives.

                Don't you want to grow to be a maximum Christian? Don't you want to live to your full potential? Wouldn't you like to be all that you could be?

                Well, friend, don't be like the children of Joseph, children who fail to possess their possessions.

Be careful of


Assuming Preferential CONsideration

Avoiding Proper COmmitments




Pastor Jimmy Chapman

Victory Baptist Church




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