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wilting in KC

Posted by: docsheri <docsheri@...>


Me, too. It is 90 in the house and I cannot seem to get it out. I have
been getting up at 5am. and opening the house. Then turning on a large air
mover.... I have only had the fan on high one time and it reached completely
across the cultural hall at church....very strong.

But I still cannot get it cooler. However the lower humidity does help. I
have been leaving the windows open during the day. There is a window a.c.
in the bedroom but the house is too loose to get chilled in there. But it
does help at night. Need a fan, too......

Can't keep the door closed as the house is somewhat secluded. When we had
the loose dog he patrolled at night and you could leave the front door open.
To leave it open you have to take the house off the alarm system.......

Hot summer..but it will end........and I am not on the street living in a

Sherri .... the 'Doc' in Missouri

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: [HomeSteadHeaven] Marlene my sweatin' sister in WI

> Hey ya'll it's only 100 and 1/2 in KC, does seem like the humidity has
> dropped a little today. By the way we keep fans going all over the house
> and night, even with a.c.. Our ac isnt very good (builder's).
> I also keep curtains up over the windows in and out. Let me explain, we
> 2 decks one on top of the other,facing west. So I made long panels from
> old bolt of gauzy fabric I bought years ago. I hung this by knotted tabs
> the hems don't have to be real even) then I hammered nails in and hung
> up from the bottom of the top deck. This really, really helped keep the
> kit/dining room cooled down. I am notorius for using sheets as curtains.
> I find them on sale for cheap I load up and then I can change the look of
> rooms very simply. I like a lot of change. Hope this helps cool you down,
> it's worked for me.
> In Him, Becky