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Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2007, J. Randal Matheny


Stop dissolute deeds and weakening thoughts,
Find strength in God to stir the deep;
Cease shaming "shoulds" and freezing "oughts,"
For love will make a broader sweep.

Wash vague vexations in sturdy plans,
Turn wooden steps to graceful strides;
Leave sloth and learn to busy hands,
Where lay the rocks, when rise the tides.

Face failure soon to find success,
Give frequent ear to mercy's cry;
Seek Heaven's blessing to turn and bless,
Let sleeping dogs still slumbering lie.

Set energies toward a single goal,
Fix sights upon a worthy end;
Attend, first, to things of the soul,
Once made, abandon not a friend.

Get wisdom, at whatever price,
Discernment's rare and judgment, dear;
Let virture be your only vice,
And joys will shed your only tear.

WHAT WAS I thinking when I wrote this poem? Find
out here:

1. Make it a conversation. Talk back ...

When you comment, please tell us your
first name, city, state, and country.

2. Share today's poem, as is, with a friend.


Comments about "Time on a Clock" (2/24):

Your offerings whatever day they arrive are a
blessing. Thanks be that you were not seriously
hurt in recent accident. May God continue to bless
you. --John K., location undisclosed

[Thanks, John, it appears I suffered no permanent
effects from the accident. After a month and a
half, we even have our car back now! Good to hear
from a guy who likes poetry. --Randal]

They say good things come in threes. I attended a
Ladies Day this morning at a congregation about 20
miles south of here where two amazing original
poems were read (by the women who wrote them). And
now yours makes the third one, and each has
carried its own special blessing. Thanks for
sharing, even on a Saturday. (We gray-haired
ladies read our e-mails every day.)
--JoAnn, Fresno, Calif.

I loved this poem, as I have the others I've read.
Truly, it is as God says, does, and ordains - and
not whatever philosophical ramblings this world
can conjure up to explain him all away. The earth
is the Lord's and everything therein! Thanks
again. --Heather, Ontario, Canada

I love your poetry, one of your best God-given
talents! Thanks for sharing His gifts with people
like me! Blessings. --Sandra, Greenwood, S.C.