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WORD for the CHURCH - important

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

"A WORD for the CHURCH"
-by S. Jha (Mar 22, 06).

Many fraudsters and scamsters have entered the Body of Christ.

America is under confusion. Until the fraudsters and scamsters
are dealt with by the law and the Body of Believers, there will be no respite.

Americans are waiting for God to do it; God is waiting for the
church to judge its own. Here is a classic spiritual impasse.

Americans and all Christians the world over can wait till the cows
come home, but it is us, who are to take the drastic action as did
Phineas and kill that spirit that is mocking God.

The gentile world has their own system of justice, but the poor,
poor Christians, are so helpless to deal with deceivers. There has
to be, and will be a great and almighty confrontation. God will
raise up the Phineas-spirited believers, who will be unafraid to
take the necessary action, without the fear of man.

Those who think that waiting is the answer will fall asleep like Rip
Van Winkle and grow beards whilst the land is covered with briers
and thorns.

Should you wake up later, you won’t have the tools to clear for
yourself a way out of the overgrowth.

Arise and be doing.

Church, you have allowed injustice and lies through your portals.
You are being robbed in the name of God, spiritually raped and
pillaged, what more must happen to you before you act?

~Advocate Swarna Jha,
Bombay, India.