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Word Processor for Mac that works with dictation

Posted by: irene.smilingi <irene.smilingi@...>

Good morning,

First thank you for your replies for the Win  10 problems.
Now I'm asking for a word processor that works with Mac enhanced dictation.   I checked out Word 2016 but it does not have a very good write up, and our Mac people said it was really flakey.  If we could find Word 2011 for Mac to download, legally, it would be marvellous.  I have the names Libre Office. Google Docs, and Pages, does anyone have experience with these programs.   I do not know if they do dictation.   I know Text Edit is on the machine but it is a little simplistic for our purpose.
Thank you in advance for your knowledge.
Blessings on your day 



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