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Posted by: mestes <mestes@...>

I'm sure that I've had the kind of week that most of you have had. Deanna, I'm glad to hear that your hubby is safe. I'm praying for you and for him to be home soon. I cannot imagine going through this week without my husband.

I have a friend whose son-in-law works at the Pentagon. He was there when the plane hit. Fortunately, his office is on the opposite side of the building and he didn't even hear the impact. They are safe. What great words those are today. "They are safe."

Sam has to write sentences using his spelling words. He wrote these on Wednesday........

"Twin towers falling was incredible.

Twin towers disappear."

We weren't home today when Chris got home from school. He called his dad at work, worried about us. "Where are they? Why aren't they at home?" He never worried before.

Sam isn't sleeping alone any more.

Chris, big strong 17 year old Chris, wanted his daddy home Tuesday morning. "Call Daddy and tell him to come home."

My folks are in Phoenix. How will they get home? When will they get home? They are planning to fly. To get on a plane........

The woman on TV Tuesday said, "I'm 32 years old and I'm going to sleep with my mommy tonight." I'll be glad to have mine back home, safe.

Safe, it has a whole new meaning now.

The pictures are vivid, but the words are so sad, so much more meaningful than before.
