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Work Hard, Work Long

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2007, J. Randal Matheny

by J. Randal Matheny

Work hard, work long, work steady and strong,
Don't think how distant the end;
Sing deep, sing high, sing on til you die,
Walk on to the next road's bend.

Walk tall, walk straight, toward heaven's gold gate,
Veer neither to left nor to right;
Read broad, read deep, resist the night's sleep,
The Word is your sword for the fight.

Hear friends, hear foes, their joys and their woes,
Seek peace and unity's thread;
Love one, love all, none weathered the Fall,
Set free the selfish dead.

Pray low, pray loud, in clear skies and cloud,
The power to win's from above;
See sharp, see true, what most misconstrue:
The Spirit came down as a dove.

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Somehow I was unsubscribed from your e-mail
poetry. Do you still do that? If so, how to I sign
up again? You are so upbeat and encouraging in
your faith in Christ! --Jan

[Proper information was sent to Jan forthwith.]

On "Highs and Lows" (10 July):

What a wonderful word picture to help one refocus.
Why do we make life such a chore? --Patti

We humans are funny creatures, aren't we? So happy
at times that we are bubbling over and then some
people seem to hit the bottom almost as quickly!
--Sandra, Greenwood, S.C.