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X-FB Public Apology

Posted by: friedo <friedo@...>

I would like to publically apologize to the list and to Staz Software
for my recent comments about software piracy. My post was cynical, and
reflected my intelectualist attitude towards ethics. I didn't realize how
many people were offended by what I did, and to what extent, until I
suddenly found myself knee deep in flames and booted off the beta list. I
don't expect to be put back on the beta list any time soon, nor to I
expect to regain everyone's trust soon, either. However, I've now seen
through my rationalization of things. I admit I have pirated software,
(my copy of FB1 was pirated) and I never reallly thought about who gets
hurt in the long run (financially and emotionally). I guess this is
because I've lived a pretty easy life so far, with my parents providing
everything for me. I also commit to not steal any more software, be it
Staz, or any company, and to not give it away, either. I go to a school
where things like integrity and honesty are big deals, and that school has
changed the way I think about things. (Hell if I hadn't gone there I
would have simply changed ISPs and assumed a new identity! :)) So, once
again, sorry.

- Mike