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Posted by: campanel <campanel@...>

Does anybody on this list have a Power Book? I have a friend whose
screen goes black about the time the extensions load (its not
software). She has been informed that her video shot and she needs a
new display.

What I've been trying to do is get her Power Book 165c (system 7.1) to
video mirror on a spare monitor. I've been unable to accomplish this
because the control panel will only set when on a Power Book with a
second monitor connected. Since the screen is black I can't see the
button, I've tried mousing around and hopefully getting lucky but
haven't so far.

If someone could set up the control panel on their Power Book and email
it to me (.hqx), I'll drop it on the emergency boot floppy and hopefully
get video to the second monitor. I'm also wondering if I could modify
the control panel in ResEdit to be in the video mirror mode? Any help
would be appreciated as the Apple support site was not.

This list has been a great help to me and my programming efforts! I
keep quite a few of the posts for future reference.

Thanks in advance.