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XFB Mail failure (fwd)

Posted by: friedo <friedo@...>

Has anyone else been getting messages like this? I got three in the space
of a couple of errors, i believe all of them in response to messages i've
sent to the list. mail

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 21:23:00 -0000
To: Mike Friedman <>
Subject: Mail failure

[002] Mail was received for unknown addresses.
Message was not delivered to

Microsoft Mail v3.0 (MAPI 1.0 Transport) IPM.Microsoft Mail.Note
From: Mike Friedman
Subject: [FB] FB^3 christmas present
Date: 1997-12-09 18:29
Priority: 3
Message ID: C9DBA813DA70D111A3340000C0E886B7

This is what I'd like to see in FB^3 for my christmas present

A subclass of cMenu (as I imagine it would be called) which would be
something like cWindowMenu. This would make a menu called Window which
would display the names (and even associated icons!) of each open window
with a check or underline or something on the one currently in front.
And, of course, selecting from the menu would jump that window to the
front. And I want a toy train set, and a mountain bike, and a model

- Mike

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