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Yesterday, We Spoke!

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2007, J. Randal Matheny

by J. Randal Matheny

By Tulin's request, "something for
believers for unexpected deaths of
loved ones or just friends."

Yesterday, we spoke!
We shared together life and laughter,
We thought we'd speak again the day after;
Your shoulders donned death's cloak!

Lifeless lies your form!
Encased and combed, embalmed and suited,
Why you? so soon, so quickly muted?
The hand is still that was warm!

Hours, days, or years!
Your voice still echoes, fragrance lingers,
I feel your touch of loving fingers.
Time fails to stop my tears!

God is good and wise!
He knows my loss, he feels my grieving;
Though I can't see the web he's weaving,
He hears, he hears my cries!

1. Make it a conversation. Talk back ...

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