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YOU NEED to SEE THIS! - Andrew Strom

Posted by: revival_list <revival_list@...>

-Andrew Strom.

Everyone who knows me can vouch for the fact that I am not into
'Conspiracy Theories'. In fact, when I get sent new revelations about
the New World Order or the Illuminati, my first impulse is usually to
reach for the 'DELETE' button. Too often I have seen this kind of
material simply breed FEAR amongst Christians - who often react with
a kind of "Fortress" mentality - they want to barricade themselves
away - which is the exact opposite of what we really need to be
doing in this hour. Fear is not an option. The hour is late and we
need to "WORK while it is yet day". So I am not much of a fan of
Conspiracy Theories at all.

However, I would be very remiss if I did not pass onto you something
pretty shocking that I saw with my own eyes on the Net this week.
Most people when they hear "911 Conspiracy" think they are dealing
with the ravings of whackos and nutcases - but I challenge you to
take a look at this online documentary - the best of its kind, I believe.
It simply places too much evidence right in front of your eyeballs to
be dismissed lightly. If you can simply believe what you are seeing,
then you are forced to start asking some BIG questions.

Below are two of the absolute best documentaries on this. (-The
first is the most insightful). I leave it up to you to make up your own
mind, my friends:



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