by Kathy on 2001-06-29 00:09:42

“Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. . .
.” Luke 23:34

Some time ago I wrote about a friend who always seemed to be taking
advantage of me and our friendship. She was always too busy to go to lunch
or would rescind invitations to her home. She was always trying to impress
others, especially those of whom she was trying to win their approval. I
struggled as to whether we should remain friends.

Having struggled with friendship when I was a teen and losing a great
friend, I decided to go on with life and be available if and when my friend
ever needed me or wanted to spend some time with me.

A couple of days ago, my friend began facing a crisis. A person who had
caused her a great deal of pain at work who had left was now returning. My
friend was very upset. I heard the news before I spoke to her . Later that
day, she came to see me and told me about the situation. She needed to feel
valued and she needed to feel she had a friend. I have to admit that part
of me wanted to have nothing to do with the situation. Since she had not
needed me in fair weather, I did not feel inclined to be there for her in
the storm. However, I quickly felt the spiritual thump, and I definitely
know what that means! It means I need to shape up! I listened quietly and
intently as she explained the situation and how others in her area supported
the person who has caused her so much pain. She was feeling very alone. I
comforted her the best way I knew how, offered my prayers, and offered to be
available to talk whenever she needed someone. She reminded me that we
still needed to go to lunch (I was always willing, but she always had
something else to do or someone else seemed to be more important). I felt
my temper trying to rise, but I followed the leading of the Spirit and
agreed to go whatever day of the week she was available. She quickly asked
if we could go the next day and I agreed.

She poured her heart out to me and I did my best to listen and to comfort.
After all, I am probably one of the few people who has seen beneath the many
layers my friend feels she has to show the rest of the world. Here was my
friend, her raw emotions and feeling pouring out, and God put me in her path
to comfort her.

I will be the first to tell you that some people are users. Some may not be
deserving of your time or attention. Some will not listen and you are
wasting your time trying to help, but when God tugs at your heart, it’s time
to respond.

Jesus died for all of us. We didn’t deserve it. We didn’t earn it. We
still let Him down, but He still picks us up, dusts us off, and takes us

Maybe you are faced with a situation where a friendship is on the line, but
you know the answer God continues to give you, in spite of yourself. I was
foolish when I was 18 and let go of one of the best friends I ever had. I
don’t want to make that same mistake again.

Take some time today and prayer over your friendships and relationships.
You may be surprised at what God will do when you take the first step!

In His love,
