Frostbite And Hypothermia

  • FROSTBITE AND HYPOTHERMIA ====================

Frostbite is caused by exposure to prolonged or intense cold.

The following are symptoms:

  • stinging and burning
  • a pins-and-needles sensation
  • stiffness and loss of feeling in the affected areas
  • change of color; the exposed area becomes red, then gray or mottled white, and finally if freezing occurs, waxy white.
  • stiff, hard affected areas

Follow these steps to treat a frostbite victim:

  1. Get him or her to a warm place.
  2. Warm him gently (unless he must be exposed again before he receives full treatment).
  3. Place the affected areas in warm — not hot — water.
  4. Apply warm compresses to the affected areas.
  5. Give the victim a warm, non-alcoholic drink.
  6. Elevate the frostbitten parts, and protect them from contact with bedclothes.
  7. DO NOT rub or massage affected areas. This can lead to infection.
  8. DO NOT apply ointments.
  9. DO NOT allow the victim to smoke.

In all but the mildest cases, get medical help as soon as possible.


Hypothermia, or general cooling of the body, is caused by prolonged exposed to cold, especially when wind and wet conditions are involved.

Some or all of these symptoms may occur:

  • goose pimples all over the body
  • stiff limbs
  • impaired judgment and ability to make decisions
  • profound sleepiness and apathy
  • abnormally low body temperature
  • unconsciousness
  • a death-like appearance; NEVER assume a victim of hypothermia has died.

Treatment for hypothermia includes these steps:

  1. Open the airway and administer artificial respiration, if necessary.
  2. Move him to a warm place immediately.
  3. Remove any wet clothing from the victim.
  4. Cover him with blankets.
  5. Get him to a hospital as soon as possible.