Gambling must improve Quality of Life

by webmaster on 2001-01-07 18:31:00

Speaking with some friends who recently came back to the USA after an extended period overseas, they commented that one of the significant changes they had seen in the US was the prevalence of Casinos. I have several questions for our readers:

  1. Do you know of any cases where the availability of Casinos has had an overall positive affect on the lives of BOTH the gamblers as well as the community surrounding the casino (within a couple mile radius)?
  2. Who promoted the casino’s presence in the area – the casino company, those who would benefit financially from it (local businesses, potential employees, residents who expected tax cuts), or those who believed it would improve Quality of Life in the area?
  3. After 1-2 years of operation, do the casinos in your community deliver what they promised?
  4. Do casinos bring moral stability, or moral degradation to their communities?