God Wont Send Anybody To Hell “GOD WON’T SEND ANYBODY TO HELL”

“Oh, I don’t believe in Hell. I think Hell is right here on earth, don’t you?”

Jesus of Nazareth obviously did not think that, because He said about twice as much about Hell during His earthly ministry as He did about Heaven. Speaking of Himself as the Son of Man on Judgment Day, Jesus said:

“Then He will say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels…'” (Matthew 25:41 NKJ)

Jesus Christ did not die primarily as a martyr or as an example. He was not duped or trapped. A careful reading of the gospels will show any number of ways that Jesus could have avoided the cross. It was not a surprise. He repeatedly and frequently predicted to His disciples His death by crucifixion, along with His purpose, “as a RANSOM for many” (Mark 10:45).

He died to purchase salvation effectively for all who would put their faith in Him, so that they would not have to go to Hell.

If Hell does not exist, then the death of Jesus was entirely pointless. BUT IT WASN’T!

We urge you to read the Gospel of Matthew for yourself. Count how many times the Lord Jesus and others refer to Hell or the lake of fire or the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth. Count for yourself the number of times the Lord Jesus predicted His own death, burial and resurrection, and what He said the purpose was.

Put your faith in the Messiah of Israel, who died as the Suffering Servant, the Lamb of God, to redeem His people, to save every Jew or Gentile who would trust in Him.

Then, you won’t have to go to that place you didn’t want to believe in.

We guarantee that someday, you too will believe in Hell. Sooner or later. [Clyde Price, Arrows23]