Gods insurance policy

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© Whole Wheat International

PO Box 26217

Minneapolis, MN 55426

God’s royal insurance policy

Being a servant of God has so many benefits that it truly is a royal

insurance policy. God’s royal insurance policy protects you from famine,

disease and war (Psalm 33:19; 91:3, 5-7; 103:3; Prov. 10:3). It will lead you

out of all your troubles (Job 5:20-27; Prov. 11:8; 12:13, 21). All things in life

turn out for good for those who are the policy holders (Rom. 8:28). If

someone came to your door and offered such a policy and you had faith in the

company, it would be the easiest policy in the world to sell (Acts 2:40).

This policy gives you wisdom just for the asking, spiritual power just for

the asking, and answered prayer, when in accordance with the will of the

policy (James 1:5; 1 John 3:22; John 9:31; 15:7, 16; 16:24; Matt. 21:22). It

guarantees you nice things for your home, abundance, joy, peace and love, as

Abraham had (John 10:10; 17:13; Gen. 24:1; 25:8). It guarantees you

obedient children who do not go astray when they are older (Prov. 22:6),

when you follow the royal advice of Proverbs 29:15 and 17. It even

guarantees you power to get wealth the right wayÑGod’s Way (Prov. 10:22;


God wants you to partake in this royal insurance policy, but you must

remain faithful to the premium. Jesus Christ qualified you to be a policy

holder regardless of your present condition, but you must not stay in your

present condition. You must die to self and deny your old way of life daily (1

Cor. 15:31; Luke 9:23). Instead, you must live Christ’s new Way of life (Heb.

10:20; Matt. 21:32). This is done by practicing righteousness, good deeds

and good works to please and glorify the Father (1 John 2:29; Gal. 6:9; John

10:25, 32, 37-38; 14:12; Matt. 5:16). You must do all that you do and say in

Christ’s name as a happy slave of Christ (Col. 3:17; Eph. 6:6; Rom. 6:18-19).

Overcome your nature by doing good, being zealous, persevering in good

works and keeping Christ’s deeds, which are all righteousÑGod’s

righteousness (1 Peter 3:13; Rom. 12:21; 2:7; 10:3; Luke 21:19; Rev. 2:26;

Prov. 19:17). You must strive until God creates in you a new nature,

establishes you, and puts your nature under your heel (Luke 13:24; Prov.

22:9; 1 Peter 5:10; Heb. 10:36; Rom. 16:20).

Jesus Christ’s Way is easy and pleasant (Matt. 11:30). Children would

have no problem with it (Matt. 19:14; 18:4). But once you start, don’t look

back; just keep going straight forward into the good life, which is the godly

life that God has been waiting for many to live (Luke 17:31; 1 Tim. 4:7; Eph. 5:1; 1 Cor. 11:1; Titus 1:1).