Gods Seed Of Love witnessing


  • This is the Word ***

. "Seeing Ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye Love one another with a pure Heart fervently;: Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible, by the Word of God, which liveth and abideth forever. For all Flesh is as Grass, and the Glory of man as the flower of Grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the Word of the Lord endureth forever. And this is the word which by the Gospel is preached unto you." (I Peter 1:22-25) . We can present our Lord Jesus Christ with the greatest birthday present there is – Newborn babes in Christ. There are so many more believers now than ever before. We actually have the potential of winning more people in one season than there used to be in the entire body of Christ only a few years ago. Everyone of us must make a Quality decision to do our part. Right now is the perfect time to plant the seed of Gods love. The main purpose of a seed is to take root and grow to maturity. Sometimes it may only be a chance to say a kind word in the middle of rush hour. Other times, we will get the opportunity to pray and minister to someone.

  • Decision and Preparation ***

. THE KEY IS DECISION AND PREPARATION. The kind of decision that will stand is what I call a quality decision – One that requires determination and discipline in order to bring about the desired result. Once you have made the decision and committed to it, the rest is joy. Spend time meditating in the Word each Day. Allow the Holy Spirit to Minister to you. Don't get so busy with other things that you leave the Word out of your daily affairs. After the Spirit has ministered to you, it is easy to minister to someone else. You will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and be able to hear His voice so you will know what to say. Then keep a sharp eye out for even the smallest chance to speak the word in Love or to assist someone. Boldly give Jesus the Glory.
. I have had some very outstanding experiences giving a few dollars to someone in need. As they are taking the money, I tell them, "This money is from the Lord Jesus Christ. I serve Him. He is the one who instructed me to Help you."

  • Stay in Faith ***

. Notice in the 23rd verse we read, "… the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever." Don't be moved by people who might be indifferent. That word will remain alive forever if you stay in Faith. As you plant the word seeds of God's love, expect the desired results, just as a farmer expects apple trees from apple seeds. Regardless of what they may do or say, you can walk away knowing you have planted the seed of Love. IT WILL DO ITS WORK. Remember, planted seeds will produce fruit AFTER their own Kind. God's Word (seed) will not return Void, it will accomplish and prosper in the thing whereunto it is sent. (Is. 55:11)

  • Take the opportunity to Harvest ***

. You will get the opportunity to harvest what someone else has already planted. I was witnessing to a man on an airliner once, and he made this statement to me: "You have stirred things in me that haven't been stirred since I was a Kid in a Presbyterian Sunday School." The majority of People are ready to hear what we have to say IF, we say it in Love. This old world is Starved for REAL Love. Plant the seed of that Love, God's word.

  • Prayer of the Sower ***

. "Father, in the Name of Jesus, I commit myself to plant seeds of love everywhere I go. I believe You have prepared the Hearts of men to receive this Love. I ask you for the perfect opportunity to speak your word. I thank you that Your Love has been shed abroad into my Heart by the Holy Ghost that has been given unto me. I know and am confident that He is in me now producing the fruit of Love. I am assured that the seeds I plant will produce Your Love in the hearts of all to whom it is given. Thank You, Father, that those seeds are cultivated and watered to bring an abundant harvest. The results will bring Glory and Honor to You. In Jesus Name! Amen."

Computers for Christ