Gods Stop Signs


The church was filled and the marriage ceremony had begun. Sheila, a beautiful Christian girl, walked down the aisle to take her vows with John, a handsome talented Christian young man.

In a short time the minister pronounced them husband and wife. They were now serving the Lord together through their home, work, and church.

A week before the wedding, Sheila told me that many times during her high school years she had refused to date non-Christian boys. She said “no” to dances, movies, late night parties, and other activities she felt were not pleasing to God,

John too had often stood alone. He refused drugs, cigarettes, and intoxicating drinks classmates offered him.

God honored and rewarded Sheila and John for their purity and led them together to become one, to begin a lasting and happy Christ-honoring home.

Establishing a happy home is the dream of every sensible teenage boy and girl, but this does not “just happen.” God has given STOP signs in His Word, the Bible, for a happy marriage.

  1. STOP. Keep yourself pure.

Purity begins in the heart. Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” This includes the posters on your walls, the books and magazines you read, even the words on the T-shirts you wear. It involves your whole life. (1 Timothy 4:12)

2. STOP. Remember your body belongs to God.

Intimate sexual relationships are for those who are married, not those who are “going steady” or even engaged. When a fellow says, “If you love me you would ————,” he doesn’t really love you. He is showing selfish lust, not love. (1 Corinthians 6:13b)

3. STOP. Data only those who are born again Christians.

Choose friends to date who have high ideals and convictions, who are kind, thoughtful, mannerly, considerate of others, on time, and who dress neatly and modestly. Date those whose religious beliefs are similar to your own. A mate who is not a Christian at marriage almost never becomes one later. (2 Corinthians 6:14, 15)

4. STOP. Plan ahead for wholesome activities on your date.

Choose activities that will build you up spiritually, mentally, and physically. Avoid dances, unchristian music, sexy and violent movies and television shows. Together attend church activities, read good books (including the Bible), sing or play your musical instruments, see a nature or travel film, take nature hikes, go to the zoo, work at a hobby, play outdoor and table games. (Philippians 4:8)

5. STOP. Obey your parents.

The rules they make, such as coming home on time, are for your good. When you have a problem, make an honest attempt to talk it over with your parents. (Colossians 3:20)

6. STOP. Marriage is for life.

Choose wisely – by God’s standards in the Bible – a marriage partner who is not divorced, nor a homosexual, one who has not misused sex. Never rush into a marriage – a hasty marriage seldom lasts. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

7. STOP. Pray for God’s leading.

God is interested in who you marry. In His perfect timing, He will lead you to the one who is to be your husband or wife and to a happy, lasting marriage. (Proverbs 3:5, 6)

8. STOP. Turn from wrong and sin to Christ.

Christ promises forgiveness, peace, and happiness which the world cannot give. If we really love Him, we will know that His commandments are for our own good and long-range happiness. (1 John 1:9 and John 14:15, 27)

9. STOP. You are not alone.

Jesus has given you a Guide (the Holy Spirit) and written instructions (the Bible). The “narrow way” of purity and walking with Christ leads to happiness and endless joy, while the “broad way of impurity and walking with Satan leads to sorrow and ultimately to eternal death. (Matthew 7:13, 14)

10. STOP. Be an example for Christ.

At home, church, school, camp, at work – wherever you are, stand tall for Christ. You will be an encouragement to other Christians. Non-Christians will respect you even though they don’t have the courage to stand alone. (1 Peter 3:15)

Approach your friendships with members of the opposite sex joyfully as a conscientious Christian. Let God lead you to a person with whom you can share a life of genuine happiness as He did with Shelia and John.

Lois A. Kreider

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