Gospel of John Study
by Charles on 2001-08-06 20:07:51
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We have just begun an in depth look at the Gospel according to John. This study will correlate the message of John with the Synoptic Gospels and the writings of St. Paul to show how there was a common understanding of the main Christian teachings during the first century. This series of readings will show how God of his free will and great love for humanity entered the human arena and is for us in our daily life.
For the last 200 years the education of clergy and religious leaders in Europe has had a devestating effect on the life of the Church and consequently also on society. Some of the threads of what was taught in major European universities will be reviewed along with how this has affected the American Church and our understanding of the Bible and Gods work in this world.
As we look at attempts that have been made to correct the errors of the past, we will look at the lives and testimony of Christians who have maintained a faithful witness to Jesus Christ in modern times.