Great Is The Lord
And Greatly To Be Praised
In The City Of Our God;
In The Mountain Of His Holiness
Beautiful For Situation
The Joy Of The Whole Earth
Is Mount Zion On The Sides
Of The North,
The City Of The Great King
How willingly then should we part with our sins for Christ, and do our duty to Him! O that we could in our measures part as willingly with our lusts, as He did with His blood! He parted with His blood when He needed not, and shall not we with our sins, when we ought to do so, for our own safety, as well as for His glory. Since Christ came to redeem us from the slavery of the devil, and strike off the chains of captivity, He that will remain in them, when Christ with so much pains and affection hath shed His blood to unloose them, prefers the devil and sin before a Savior.
Stephen Charnock