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10 Dumbest Questions Asked By Cruise Passengers

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

10 Dumbest Questions Asked By Cruise Passengers  

1. Does the crew sleep onboard?

2. What time is the midnight buffet?

3. Which elevator takes me to the front of the ship?

4. Do you generate your own electricity?

5. Is this island totally surrounded by water?

6. Is the water in the toilet salt or fresh?

7. What language do they speak in Alaska?

8. What do you do with the ice carvings after they melt?

9. How high above sea level are we?

10. How do we know which pictures are ours?



A young girl who was writing a paper for school came to her father and
asked, "Dad, what is the difference between angerand exasperation?" The
father replied, "It is mostly a matter of degree. Let me show you what
mean." With that the father went to the telephone an dialed a number at
random. To the man who answered the phone, he said, "Hello, is Melvin
there?" The man answered, "There is no one living here named Melvin.
don't you learn to look up numbers before you dial them?" "See," said
the father to his daughter. "That man was not a bit happy with our
He was probably very busy with some- thing and we annoyed him. Now
watch...." The father dialed the number again. "Hello, is Melvin
there?"asked the father. "Now look here!" came the heated reply. "You
just called this number and I told you that there is no Melvin here!
You've got a lot of nerve calling again!" The receiver slammed down
hard. The father turned to his daughter and said, "You see, that was
anger. Now I'll show you what exasperation means." He dialed the same
number, and when a violent voice roared,"Hello!" The father calmly
"Hello, this is Melvin. Have there been any calls for me?"

4 Letter Words   

A young couple , a Long Island princess and
her childhood sweetheart who had just finished
his residency got married and went on their
honeymoon. When they  got back, the bride
immediately called her  mother. "Well," said her
mother," so how was the honeymoon?"

"Oh, mama," she replied, "the honeymoon was
wonderful! So romantic..." Suddenly she burst
out crying. "But, mama, as soon as we returned,
Sam started using the most horrible language --
things I'd never heard   before! I mean, all these
awful 4-letter words! You've got to  take me  home...,

"Sarah, Sarah," her mother said, "calm down! You
need to stay with your husband and work this out.
Now, tell me, what could be so awful? WHAT
4-letter words?"

"Please don't make me tell you, mama," wept the
daughter, "I'm so embarrassed, they're just too

"Darling, baby, you must tell me what has you so
upset. Tell your mother these horrible 4-letter words!"

Sobbing, the bride said, "Oh, Mama..., he used words
like: dust, wash, iron, cook..."

"I'll pick you up in twenty minutes," said the mother.

Have a Blessed Day 
Dave and Barbara  


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