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10 Reasons Not To Wash

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

10 Reasons Not To Wash

In one parish, the pastor, apparently fed up with all the excuses given over the years as to why people don't go to church, included "Ten Reasons Why I Never Wash" in the next Sunday's bulletin:

1. I was forced to wash as a child.

2. People who wash are hypocrites -- they think they are cleaner than everybody else.

3. There are so many different kinds of soap, I can't decide which one is best.

4. I used to wash, but I got bored and stopped.

5. I wash only on special occasions, like Christmas and Easter.

6. None of my friends wash.

7. I'll start washing when I get older and dirtier.

8. I can't spare the time.

9. The bathroom is never warm enough in winter or cool enough in summer.

10. People who make soap are only after your money.

Hymns For The Church Of The Low Self-Esteem

All Things Dull and Ugly

Awake, Awake to Drudge and Toil

Come Christians, Mumble, Sing

Come Ye Thankless People Come

Go Tell it By the Fountain

I Think that My Redeemer Lives

Just As I Am I Think I'll Stay

Let Us With An Empty Mind

Lord Dismiss Us, Leave Us Guessing

Mournful, Mournful, We Ignore Thee

O Why Should We be Dealt This Hand

Rock of Ages, Fell on Me

Savior, Like McDonald's Feed Us

Sit Up, Sit Up for Jesus

The Lord's My Shepherd, But More I Want

The Strife is O'er, We've Come Undone

There's a Smell in the Air

This is Great Grandma's Pew

Watchman, Please Turn Off that Light

What an Acquaintance We Have in Jesus

Wherever He Leads It's Too Far

We Slipped and Fell Down Jacob's Ladder

We Gather Together Now Don't You Come Join Us

Top Ten Reasons Not To Join The Choir

10. Your running out of clean clothes and the choir robes save on laundry.

9. You've just been selected for jury duty and want to get used to sitting with a group of people.

8. Your church is so full you want to ensure that you always have a seat.

7. The collection plate is never passed to the choir.

6. There's a clock at the back of the sanctuary and you want to be the first to know when it's 12:00.

5. The preacher is new and you want to be close by in case he says something heretical.

4. For years you've wanted to know who sits in the back pews but were always afraid to turn around.

3. You've been known to nod off during the service and don't want the preacher to catch you.

2. The chairs in the choir are the most comfortable in the sanctuary.

1. Your favorite movie is Sister Act!
Have A Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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