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a bit of wisdom

Posted by: empalo <empalo@...>

Greetings in Jesus Name !
This afternoon I made a trip to Wal-Mart to buy fabric for making a white on white wedding quilt for my daughter.   Sometimes, in the most unexpected places we find real gems of wisdom and today this proved to be very true.
As I was waiting my turn to have the fabric cut, the lady working there and the woman she as waiting on, chatted a bit about the quilt the woman would be making for her 3 year old grandson.  She has chosen brightly colored fabrics and some "builder bob" fabric. So nicely matched and so fresh and new.
They included me in the conversation.  I know the lady that works there since I buy so much fabric <G>. 
Then out of this woman's mouth from wal-mart came a gem of wisdom.   She said, "its sort of sad to see people buy so much fabric.  No one uses cast off dresses, and things any more for their quilts, and the memories are just not there.  "   I thought about that real quick and remembered my great grandmothers quilt she made when I was little,  part of my nightgown is in there.  I would never remember that nightgown except now, when I take out that quilt and look at all the colors so mix-matched yet beautiful. 
So much like our lives.  We cast off so quickly the old fashioned thoughts and ways, to be more "color coordinated" with the times.  We loose something in the translation I think.   We loose memories of past generations morality and approach to things.  We have lost decorum and  etiquette. Lost is the  wisdom of what works and what doesn't.  So casually we cast off the hand me down wisdom for what some new expert writes about in the latest issue of a magazine. 
I guess from now on, I might just use the worn out shirt and skirts laying around the house for the next quilt.   Maybe I will just choose more skirts made of pretty calicos from now on and forget wearing tee shirts for tops.   Maybe I will just treasure the wisdom that can be handed down too.

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