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A Dollar Clean Hewmor Plain Text

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

~ * ~ A Dollar ~ * ~ 
A little girl asked her mother for a dollar to give to
an old lady in the park. Her mother was touched by the
child's kindness and gave her the required sum.

"There you are, my dear," said the mother. "But, tell
me, isn't the lady able to work any more?"

"Oh yes," came the reply. "She sells candy."


~ * ~ When We Get Home ~ * ~ 
A young mother was riding the bus with her four year old
boy when he suddenly blurted out so that everyone in the
bus could hear, "Look mom, see that man's nose, how
come it's so big?"
The mother was quite embarrassed and scolded her son.
Then she whispered to him that if there was something he
wanted to say about someone then he had to wait until
they got home or at least where nobody could hear them,
so that nobody would be sad.
A moment later the boy blurted out in the same loud voice,
"Look mom, we've got to talk about that lady with the ugly
baby when we get home!"
~ * ~ Simple Tests ~ * ~ 

Molly was worried that her three-year-old son was unusually
precocious, and took him to a psychiatrist.

"Right," said the shrink, "We'll just try a few simple tests."
To Morris the boy, he said "Say a few words - anything that comes
into your mind."

The boy turned to his mother and asked, "Does he want logically
constructed sentences or just a few random and purely isolated
words without any split infinitives ?"

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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