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A Girl And Her Kittens

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

~**~ A Girl And Her Kittens ~**~

One day a man was coming out of a store and saw a little girl pulling a red wagon with 5 kittens in it. He walked up to her and looked at the kittens. She said "These are Methodist kittens." He thought that was cute, and he said no more. He walked away. The next week, he was walking around town and saw the little girl again. She was still pulling her little red wagon with the kittens in it. He walked up to her and said "What kind of kittens did you say these were?" She replied, "Baptist." He said, "I thought they were Methodist." And she replied, "That was before their eyes were opened."


~**~ Which Team ~**~

My son is a sports fanatic, and he has well-worn
T-shirts, caps, and sweatshirts from every local team.

One night we were getting ready for an annual
fundraiser for our local theater organization. I
called out to my son, "This is a pretty fancy dinner.
You have to wear a sports jacket."

My son answered, "Which team?"



Just a joke, folks, but quite a lot of truth in it!)

"If I express myself on a subject, I'm trying to run things.

If I'm silent, I'm dumb or have lost interest.

If I'm often at my office (preparing messages or studying), why don't I get out and learn what's going on.

If I'm out when they call, why am I not tending to business, or studying for a message.

If I'm not at home at night, I'm out having a good time.

If I'm home, I'm neglecting important outside contacts and activities.

If I don't agree with persons, I'm bullheaded.

If I do agree, I don't have any ideas of my own.

If I don't do what I'm requested, I'm a very poor pastor or minister.

If I do agree, well, that's what I'm paid for.

If I give someone a short answer, I'm "too big for my britches."

If I attempt to explain the pros and cons of an issue, I'm a know-it-all.

If I'm well dressed, I think I'm a big shot.

If I'm not, I'm a poor representative of my office.

If I'm on the job a short time, I'm inexperienced.

If I've been there a long time, It's time for a change.


Have a Blessed day
Dave and Barbara

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