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a most excellent idea ...

Posted by: root <root@...>

-- An Excellent IDEA --

When you get those pre-approved letters in the mail for
everything from credit cards to 2nd mortgages and junk like that, most
of them come with postage paid return envelopes, right?

Well, why not get rid of some of your other junk mail and put it in
these cool little envelopes! Send an ad for your local chimney cleaner
to American Express. Or a pizza coupon to Citibank.

If you didn't get any other junk mail that day, then send them their
application back - blank! Just make sure your name isn't on anything you

send them. Heck, you can send the return envelope back empty if you
want, just to keep 'em guessing!

Let's turn this into a people's revolt! Eventually, the banks and
credit card companies will begin getting all their garbage back in the

Let them know what it's like to get junk mail, and best of all...
THEY'RE paying for it ... twice!

We'll also keep our postal service busy -- a good thing, since they say
e-mail is cutting into their business, and that's why they need to
increase postage again!

Send this to a friend or two ... or fifty...