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Posted by: root <root@...>

WHEN my best friend, James, came home on his first Army leave,
my little brother asked him what he did in the service. "I do calisthenics,
shoot guns and follow orders," James replied.
Walking in town that day, James and I ran into a buddy who also
asked him what he did in the Army. James gave the same reply: "I do
calisthenics, shoot guns and follow orders."
A while later, we met a former classmate, an attractive woman,
and she asked the same question. This time, James said, "I'm
studying communications, learning foreign languages and traveling
around the world."

Back In My Day...

In my day, we didn't have no rocks. We had to go down to the creek
and wash our clothes by beating them with our heads.

Back in the 1970s we didn't have the space shuttle to get all excited
about. We had to settle for men walking on the crummy moon.

In my day, we didn't have hand-held calculators. We had to do
addition on our fingers. To subtract, we had to have some fingers

In my day, we didn't have water. We had to smash together our own
hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

Kids today think the world revolves around them. In my day, the sun
revolved around the world, and the world was perched on the back of a
giant tortoise.

In my day, we didn't have virtual reality. If a one-eyed, razorback
barbarian warrior was chasing you with an ax, you just had to hope
you could outrun him.