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Appropriate Remarks Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Appropriate Remarks"
It was a formal banquet.  The minister had just finished saying grace when a waiter spilled a bowl of steaming soup into his lap.
The clergyman silently sizzled, then said in anguished tones, "Will a layman please make some appropriate remarks?"

Dr. Benjamin Porter visited the school yesterday and lectured
on "Destructive Pests". A large number were present.
The sewer expansion project is nearing completion but City
officials are holding their breath until it is officially finished.
The ladies of the county medical society auxiliary plan to
publish a cookbook. Part of the money will go to the Samaritan
Hospital to purchase a stomach pump.
The father was employed at the Seabrook nuclear power plant,
and commuted for some months. Then the family moved to
Seabrook, where they are happily living.
Columbia, Tennessee, which calls itself the largest outdoor
mule market in the world, held a mule parade yesterday headed
by the Governor.
The assembly passed and sent to the senate a bill requiring
dog owners in New York City to clean up after their dogs,
in penalty of $100 fine. The bill also applies to Buffalo.
The attorney general's office said yesterday that an autopsy
performed on the headless body of a man found in Mason failed
to determine the cause of death.
The bride-elect was showered with pieces of her chosen china.
"Moby Dick", the great American classic by Herman Melville,
will be seen again next week, with veteran actor Victor Jory in
the title role.
Weather: Sunny with a few cloudy periods today and Thursday,
which will be followed by Friday.
The women included their husbands and their children in their
potluck suppers.
The bride was wearing an old lace gown that fell to the floor
as she came down the aisle.
"Proverbs Rewritten by Children" 
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the oven.  
A bird in the hand is messy.  
Don't count your chickens, eat them.  
You can't teach an old dog new math.  
Every cloud has a wet spot. 
"What is Prayer"
Sunday school teacher:
What is prayer?
Student: That's a message
sent to God at night and on Sundays,
when the rates are lower."
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
"A happy heart is like good medicine" (Proverbs 17:22)
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