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Bad Habit

Posted by: <@...>

Bad Habit

Bryant, a youngster about four years old, loved having ice cream after
dinner every evening. He would sit on his mother's lap and have a small
bowl for dessert.

Unfortunately, he developed the habit of licking the bowl afterwards to
"make sure he got it all". This went on for a while, much to his mother's

Finally, trying to tactfully hint that it was not such a great idea, she
said, "You know, when I was your age, my mother said that licking my dish
was a VERY impolite thing to do."

Bryant thought a minute, and then responded, "Well you can do it now if
you like, because I don't mind at ALL!"



7 things to do to when your ISP (Internet service provider) goes down

1. Dial 911 Immediately.
2. Open curtains to see if anything has changed the past 2 years.
3. You mean there's something else to do?
4. Threaten your ISP with an impeachment vote.
5. Work.
6. Re-introduce yourself to your immediate family.
7. Get that kidney transplant you've been putting off.

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