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BBD 01.16.03 Body Piercings

Posted by: wrather <wrather@...>

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The Burning Bush Devotional

Body Piercings

“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?  If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.”  - I Corinthians 3:16-17.

Brent Moffatt of Winnipeg, Manitoba has made his way into the record books.  In less than eight hours Brent pushed and shoved 702 needles into his body.  He was somewhat disappointed because he had hoped to accomplish 1,000 piercings but had to stop when the pain reached his threshold of endurance.  Moffatt said after sitting the record that, "I'm in a lot of pain.  It feels like somebody's electrocuting my legs."  The previous record for number of piercings was 200 so Moffatt must indeed be an iron man or maybe he is a steel man - not sure what needles are made out of today.  But Moffat might want to seriously consider that iron man competition because he definitely has some endurance.

The subject of piercings is something that I've started to write about many times but could never bring myself to actually do so.  For one thing I know that there are some who read my devotionals who have piercings and I certainly do not want to appear to be their judge becoming an oracle of condemnation.  However, tonight I have sensed a need to at least say what I believe the Biblical viewpoint about piercings is, as I understand it.  So please bear with me.

First, if someone who is a Christian is contemplating having some body piercings and wondering whether or not God would want them to do so - the answer I believe is, "no."  There are several passages of Scripture that you might possibly base this upon but the most clear in the New Testament for me is I Corinthians 3:16-17.  The body of the child of God, a Christian is literally the dwelling place of God because the Holy Spirit lives with in you.  We are created in the image of God and when God came down to Earth to walk among us He took on the form of a human being becoming fully man and fully God.  This would seem to indicate that the form of God is somewhat similar to that of a human being.  God created us and says we were created in His image.  To modify the image that we have been blessed with would seem to be a defilement of that image.  Of course, this brings up all kinds of other questions about cosmetic surgery and other image altering surgeries.  But let's put that aside for now.  If consuming alcohol and abusing drugs (legal or illegal) is considered to be damaging to the temple of God, the body?  Then it would stand to reason that a most obvious scarring and alteration of the temple for no medical reason would appear to be damaging to the temple of the Holy Spirit. 

So, if you are contemplating the piercing of your body and asked if I thought it would  be wrong I would have to say, "yes."  And if you really wanted to be obedient to your Lord and your God you would not pierce your body.  Does that mean I am condemning everyone who has pierced their body?  No.  I am not their judge or your judge.  Certainly I have done things to my own body, which were not good for it.  For example, I have overeaten and I have pushed my body physically in the past far beyond what would be healthful and I'm sure there have been other ways as well that I have abused my body (Of course it is not really my body it is the Lord's.).

Once you understand that abuse of the body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit, is not the will of God - you and I have a decision to make.  Will we continue on with what we know is not in the will of God or will we cease and desist from what we know He does not want.  Whether it is body piercing, overeating (Or not eating things which are healthful), doing drugs, drinking, or sexual sins and on and on - whether we continue on in the face of the Truth of God's Word is a decision every child of God must make for themselves and bears personal responsibility for that decision.  And that includes me as well as every other Christian.  I pray that each of us will truly seek to be obedient to our Lord.

Copyright © 2003. Ed Wrather. Permission is given for use of the
devotionals on a non-profit basis with source credited.

Printed copies of the "Addictions Kit for Substance Abuse" and "The Never Give Up! Devotional Collection" are available.  For details go to the devotional archive page

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