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BBD 02.17.15 How to Find God's Plan (New)

Posted by: theburningbushdevotional <theburningbushdevotional@...>

If for
some reason you do not receive your email version of the devotional please
check the Burning Bush website at for the
“Devotional of the Day” and read the devotional there.



The New Pastor's
Training Manual
is now available for download on Amazon. You can READ for
FREE a LARGE SAMPLE (approx. 17 pages) which includes how God worked in my life
to Call me to Preach and other material. Click on the “Look Inside Link.” If
you do buy the 216 page eBook now priced at $0.99 cents, (FREE if you have
KINDLE UNLIMITED.) please write a review. Thanks! Here is the link:
If you prefer a paper copy of the book you can
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The Burning






How to
Find God’s Plan



Seek the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.
Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him
return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will
abundantly pardon. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My
ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My
ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. - Isaiah 55:6-9



For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord,
thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. - Jeremiah
29:11 NKJV.



Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite.
- Psalm 147:5 NKJV.



Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own
understanding. - Proverbs 3:5 NKJV.



McIntyre and Danny Robinson are soon to be married. They began dating in May,
and Danny asked Ashley to marry him on Christmas day 2014. Their romance began
in a completely unexpected way. Ashley happened to overhear her mother talking
with someone about a 25-year-old man who lived in their city, Louisville,
Kentucky. The discussion Ashley overheard was about this man’s need of a kidney
since his kidneys had stopped functioning. The man’s story seemed tragic as his
father had recently died, and not only that, his house had also burned. Ashley
felt a compulsion to do something about this and called to volunteer as a
donor. Of course, what are the odds of being a donor match for a perfect
stranger? She had all the tests performed to determine whether she could be a
donor and it was found that she was a perfect match. The surgery was performed
in April, and afterwards they stayed in contact texting and calling until they
began dating.
Ashley says, “As soon as we
started dating, not long after that, was when we realized this was it. I never
in a million years imagined this would happen, it was a whirlwind. It's crazy
how it all worked. It was all planned out by God.”
(Orange News 02.13.15)



I have often pondered Philippians 4:7 where we
are told,
“and the
peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and
minds through Christ Jesus (NKJV).”
old KJV puts this as,
“the peace of God, which passeth
all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Having experienced that peace which
surpasses, passeth
“all understanding”
many times, I am always amazed at how God does that.



God is
God because He is beyond our understanding; He has abilities beyond what we can
comprehend. We see examples of this in creation. There are besides human
beings, creatures roaming this earth that are very intelligent: cats, dogs,
apes, dolphins and more. However, the abilities that we have intellectually are
beyond those creatures abilities to understand.



plans have often perplexed humans, and we see examples of this in the Bible.
Think of Noah building a huge ark on dry ground. Think of God’s plan for the
defeat of the great walled city of Jericho. Think of Gideon and God’s method of
choosing a far smaller number of warriors to defeat the enemy. Instead of
thousands of men, God only thought Gideon needed a few hundred, and God was



does have thoughts toward you, and those thoughts are
peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
God does have a
plan for your life and the key to finding that plan is as the writer of
Proverbs says, “Trust in the
Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.”
Joshua, and Gideon all had to
“lean not” on
“own understanding” and with eyes of faith
put their complete trust in the Lord. And, that my friends, is how you find
God’s plan for your life.



Copyright © 2015. Ed Wrather. The
Burning Bush website has been online since January 31, 1998. On June 8, 1998
the email version of the Burning Bush Devotional was first sent. Ed Wrather
began writing devotionals in the early 1990s. The distribution of these first
devotionals was primarily through the Burning Bush Newsletter sent to prison
facilities throughout the United States and Canada.



Visit the
Burning Bush websites:



The Burning Bush websites
received visits from 184 countries in 2015 including from 27 cities in Iran.
Celebrating 16 years online since January 31, 1998. Since June 8, 1998 the
Burning Bush Devotional has been spreading the truth of God's Word to more than
14,000 subscribers across the world.



You can leave comments/feedback
about the devotionals at



There is a translation tool on website in the top left hand corner of all of the pages.



Ed Wrather has retired from
pastoring full-time and has more time to pursue other ministry opportunities.
You can make contact at or View LinkedIn profile with
endorsements at



Prayer Requests: Please pray for
an end to the racial hatred in the USA and that it will be replaced with peace
and love. Please pray for Justin Lewis who is battling cancer. He is a young
Christian man with a wife and two children. Unless God intervenes there is
little hope for him. Please also pray for Shane Hall who has cancer and for all
those afflicted with this terrible disease. My sister, Reta, is also in need of
prayer, she has stage four renal carcinoma and will have surgery soon to remove
a kidney. Many prayer needs are posted at the Burning Bush website on the
Prayer Request page. You can also post your prayer requests there (Of course, I
am always in need of prayer - please pray for me.).



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archive at the old Burning Bush website. Here is the URL:



Devotion vs Devotional: We do our
devotions, we read devotionals.



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