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BBD 02.21.05 The Greatest Day

Posted by: wrather <wrather@...>

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The Burning Bush Devotional

(Over 13,000 subscribers in 75 countries)


Dear Friends,

Ann Scott from Madill, Oklahoma has shared with me a very moving testimony about her grandson, Brett Spells, and I want to share it with you:


"But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel." - Philippians 1:12.

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. - Romans 8:28.

"Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" - Esther 4:14.

Ann Scott shares: "My grandson Brett was such a beautiful young man, 15 years old. He first watched the video, "LEFT BEHIND," at my daughter's house and made them turn it off in the middle and fell down in the floor and began to pray, we thought, for salvation and then he finished watching the movie. He then went to the movie, "The Passion," it really stirred his heart so much. He talked about it continually. This movie touched him so deeply. We did not know at that time that Brett had been a Christian for four years and had already been leading people to the Lord. Then he came to our church and prayed at our altar - we thought for salvation. He had never mentioned his Christian experience. He attended the Methodist church in Ardmore, Ok. He was a member of the youth group in the First Baptist Church. They had a crusade for young Christian Athletes in the stadium at Ardmore High School and he went down for prayer, the evangelist asked him if he was a Christian, he told him he had prayed the sinner's prayer but he wanted to really make sure. The evangelist prayed for him and Brett got up from the altar and he was so happy. He was grabbing everyone and told them he just felt so good. Then he told one of his best friends, Cody, who was one of many, best friends, "Cody I just feel so wonderful, I feel like something wonderful is going to happen to me tomorrow. I feel like tomorrow is going to be the greatest day of my life." He was so happy, he was telling everyone. He went home and got on the internet and told others that tomorrow is going to be the greatest day of my life. AND IT WAS THE BEST DAY OF HIS LIFE.. Brett went to heaven that next day."

"On the way to school the next morning, Cody was driving Brett Spells to school and swerved to miss a deer and hit a tree, the wreck did not look that bad. They were not speeding and were wearing seat belts. Brett did not look like he was injured that bad. They took him to Mercy Memorial in Ardmore and decided to send him to the OU Trauma Hospital in OKC. His brain started to swell, his pelvic was broken, his arm was broken. His brother Aaron was sitting in class at Murray State College and one of his classmates asked the question in the class, "Did you hear about that wreck at Plainview?" Aaron told us a chill went all the way up his back. At that same time, his cell phone rang and it was his dad telling him Brett had been in a wreck."

"The doctors came in after doing tests on Brett and told us there was no hope, no hope at all. But you know this grandma, I sat at his bed and prayed.I finally surrendered to the will of our wonderful Lord and told Brett if he wanted to go home with Jesus, I wanted him to go.I put my hand on his chest and leaned in his ear and sang the first and last verse of Amazing Grace. 'When we've been there ten thousand years we've just begun,' and when I finished that last verse, I told him that in ten thousand years we would still be together, his heart beat it's last beat and the most beautiful look came on his face. He saw something in the spiritual realm that this grandmother was not allowed to see yet. And Jesus took him home. I plan on going there to be with him very soon as Jesus is coming soon to take His Bride, the church, home with him. I pray that you have settled this in your heart and know for certain that your name is in the Book of Life. If you do not know Jesus personally, I ask that you do this. Ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins, write your name down in the Lamb's Book of Life and live for Jesus every moment of every day. I promise you that you will not be sorry. And ten thousand years from today you can walk up to Brett Spells and tell him, 'Hey man, I got saved after your wreck when I heard about your testimony.'"

"There was a time that you were not, but there will never be a time that you will cease to be. Even one million years from today, you will be somewhere. So please settle it in your heart, eternity is forever. Don't just know about Jesus but become personally acquainted with Him today. You were created to have a personal relationship with God through His precious Son, Jesus Christ. God created you for a purpose and you have such value that Jesus Christ died on the cross for you.
Mike, Brett's dad, made the statement that time is our greatest enemy.. We put off making that commitment to the Lord. And then after we make the commitment, in a few years we allow ourselves to become cold in our spirits. There are hundreds of young people giving their hearts and lives to the Lord in the Ardmore area and the surrounding communities. I pray they will hold fast to the Lord and let Him accomplish in their lives the work that Jesus has begun."

"We don't know what one day in our lives will bring, so stay ready to meet your Lord. Hug your children and cherish them, they are treasures from God. He only loaned them to us and one day He will take them back home to His home that is eternal. One million years from today you will be somewhere.. I trust and pray it will be in that place called heaven with Brett Spells."

"I always thought Brett would preach the gospel. And he did preach the gospel at 11 am at the Crystal Rock Cathedral in Ardmore, Ok. Tues. morning, Oct. the 12th. It was one of the greatest sermons that I ever heard. It was a sermon about the Grace of God. God's amazing grace that welcomed a young 15 year old boy into his eternal home in Christ's Kingdom because Jesus wrote the name Brett Spells into the Lamb's Book of Life. Unfortunately, Brett's sermon was preached from his casket by the life he lived on this earth. Will you consider accepting this marvelous, amazing grace today? It is a gift from God, you cannot buy this beautiful gift. Grace is a free gift. It has already been paid for on Calvary 2000 years ago. All you have to do is to accept this grace and live for Jesus Christ all the days of your life."

The Bible makes it very clear what is necessary to have eternal life and go to Heaven:

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." - John 3:16.

"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name." - John 1:12.

"Behold, I (Jesus) stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." - Revelation 3:20.

There is only one way to Heaven but that way is well marked and very clear. To receive Christ Jesus as your Savior pray the prayer below which is based on the related Scriptures above "Dear Lord Jesus, I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day. Please forgive me for the sins, the bad things I have done, I want to change and be like You. Please help me to change, be my Lord and my Master and my Savior. In your name Lord Jesus I ask You to come into my heart and save me. Amen."

Please remember that words alone will not save you. Only if you truly mean it in your heart will you be saved. If you do pray the prayer above and mean it in your heart please let me know and I will send you some additional helpful information.

Copyright © 2005. Ed Wrather. Permission is given for use of the devotionals on a non-profit basis with source credited. On June 8, 1998 the email version of the Burning Bush Devotional was first sent.

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