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BBD 03.28.07 A Great Testimony

Posted by: wrather <wrather@...>

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The Burning Bush Devotional

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A Great Testimony

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. - Revelation 12:11.

(I recently received this testimony and it is so wonderful that I had to share it with all of you. - Ed Wrather)

Greetings and Jai Mashi (Praise the Lord) to you all in Jesus' name our Lord!

First of all I would like to thank God coz of Him I could share my testimony. Also I'd like to thank "Burning Bush" for giving me this opportunity.

My name is Shanti Bajracharya. I'm from Nepal and now working in Hong Kong. I came from a Buddhist family and my father is a Buddhist priest. I used to believe in all kind of gods and respect Jesus as one of the gods. After I married I found out my husband was an alcoholic. All my efforts on helping him to quit weren't working at all. Years passed and we have two children, they grew up seeing us arguing and fighting all the time. At that time our business of producing bags was facing difficulties and we came into a big debt. On top of it I have to raise support of the family on my own. Rents, food, utilities and school fees for children for which the income from my extra jobs wasn't even enough and we end up into more that time my husband was still drinking as usual and even getting worse and worse!

I sought help for my husband from all kind of gods, spiritual medium, witch doctors and all kind of medicine couldn't help. Then one day in the hospital the doctor told me that his liver is damaged and one more drink will take away his life. He was not able to care for himself at all, and life was getting so difficult that I thought to myself it is better for him to die.

I became so despaired that one day the thought of committing suicide came into me so I lock myself into a kitchen and poured kerosene all over my body and again I went to the other room and burned myself. I could hear my children were screaming, the neighbors were watching from outside and finally my husband put a blanket on me.

At that time I wasn't feeling any pain at all probably the pain inside was even greater then it. I was burning inside. Soon after I was sent to the hospital, and had to stay there for a month. In the end I was unable to commit suicide.

Although I've been healed, parts of my body were still in pain, itching, and burning. Then one night I had a dream. I dreamt that God touched my aching body, and said to me "my daughter if you should ever be in need, just to call His name and He will answer" I woke up it seemed so real, it was a miracle as the sore burned parts of my body started to heal, and I thought of God working in my life.

A year later I got divorced, I received custody of my two children as my husband was unfit to care for them. Then I got an opportunity to come to Hong Kong to work so that I could support my family. I sent my children to boarding school, and although I didn't know God that well, I prayed to God to protect them and keep them safe from harm.

Life in Hong Kong was not easy, I had to struggle, as I did not speak the local language and did not know how to cook. After a year went by I wanted to quit, but I thought of my children in Nepal when I shared this problem with one of my friends, she introduced me to sister Caroline. I shared all my problems and she prayed for me and counseled me. I felt much better, she told me about Jesus who knows me even when I was in my mother's womb, who watches over me, though I may not know Him, He knows all my pain and He suffers for our sins.

She explained that God sent Jesus to earth, to save us and was sacrificed so that we may live eternally in heaven. If only we would accept Jesus as our savior into our hearts. That same day I asked Jesus to come into my heart and to forgive me for all that I've done wrong. I felt as if all my burdens had vanished. And I did not need to worry about anything, I felt like I was in the arms of my Father, so special was this experience of his great love. So I cast all my cares and burdens to my new God whom I can call my Father.

By God's grace I heard that my husband as well has accepted Jesus into his life and now he is studying in the Bible College.

I could never thank God enough for all that He's done for me, how He changed my life for the better, and I always look forward to telling others of His great love. I found the purpose of my life and I want to live now to serve the Lord. I praise God that my two children have also accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior. I pray each day to have a closer relationship with God and also with my family. Praise the Lord.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!” - Psalm 139:14,17.

(Shanti (which means peace) previously sent this prayer request to our prayer group: “Please, pray for my daughter Sylva, she is studying in college. Also pray for my son Ayub. He is preparing the final exam, on 4th-11th of April. Pray for me about wisdom and spiritual growth. Thank you, friends in Christ.” If you would like to encourage Shanti you can contact her at: )

Copyright © 2007. Ed Wrather. Permission is given for use of the devotionals on a non-profit basis with source credited. The Burning Bush website has been online since January 31, 1998. On June 8, 1998 the email version of the Burning Bush Devotional was first sent.

Prayer Requests: Many prayer needs are posted at the Burning Bush website on the Prayer Request page. You can also post your prayer requests there and they will be forwarded to the Burning Bush Prayer Group (Of course, I am always in need of prayer - please pray for me.).

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