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BBD 06.10.03 What Train?

Posted by: wrather <wrather@...>

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Today's devotional was written by WALKER MOORE who is president of AweStar
Ministries in Tulsa, P. O. Box 470265, Tulsa 74147. You may contact Walker
at Visit their website at (Permission
given by Walker Moore for use of the devotional.)

The Burning Bush Devotional
(Over 8,000 subscribers in 75 countries)


What Train?

And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. - II
Corinthians 11:14.

It looked terrible. But as a college student getting married in a couple of
months, it was the only place I could afford. On the front someone had spray
painted in large letters: LOVE, SEX, PEACE. And that was not the worst of
it. The house sat on the Mississippi bay and had been flooded so many times
its center was sunk 10 inches. So every step you took was either going
uphill or downhill. But even that was not the worst of it. When it rained
the water would collect in the ceiling causing it to bow down. I finally
took an ice pick and punched a hole in the ceiling so the rainwater would
drain into the toilet. But still that was not the worst of it. The house sat
alongside railroad tracks 50 yards from an intersection. You could always
tell when the train was coming. The house began to vibrate slightly, and as
the train got closer it turned into a full-scale earthquake. Even that was
not the worst part. Our house was the marker for the conductor to blow the
train whistle. Whistle does not even begin to describe that sound.
Full-blown air horn is more like it. And that was the worst part. About
three times during the night the house would begin to vibrate. At the height
of the earthquake the train whistle would blare as the train came closer to
our front door.

Every once in a while my wife and I would have company stay the night. I do
not ever remember someone spending more than a single night at our house.
Having forgotten to warn our guests about the trains, they would come
stumbling out like they had not slept a wink, while we would awaken rested.
The first thing they would blurt out was, "Did you hear those trains?" Of
course not. We had become accustomed to them. As obnoxious as they were,
they did not bother us anymore.

It is surprising how many "trains" we get used to. Maybe your "train" is the
TV shows you allow into your home without recognizing how harmful they are.
Or the language you use in your home. Maybe no one even raises an eyebrow
when an obscene, sarcastic, disrespectful or negative word is used. Maybe it
is the music you allow your children to listen to. The danger comes when you
get so used to these "trains" that you do not recognize how harmful they are
to the health and well being of your children. Sin always begins with the
least offensive version and increases as your senses become desensitized to
its offense. Let me warn you. Do not let your children play anywhere near
the "tracks."

As soon as we moved out of our house it was condemned. The Mississippi River
flooded and it was washed down the river. Now it is no longer there. Maybe
that is what you need to do.condemn and wash away. I know just the One who
can wash it away, only Jesus Christ.

Copyright © 2003. Ed Wrather. Permission is given for use of the devotionals
on a non-profit basis with source credited.

There is now a webpage available at where the devotionals are
archived There is a complete
archive at the Burning Bush website and the address for the archive is

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