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BBD 06.24.21 Delivered from the Lion (Classic)

Posted by: theburningbushdevotional <theburningbushdevotional@...>

Classic from 2002                     

The Burning Bush Devotional

24 June 2021


Delivered from the Lion


But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so
that the message might be preached fully through me, and that all the Gentiles
might hear. Also I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. And the Lord
will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom.
To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen! - 2 Timothy 4:17-18.


In South Africa, Kimberly Thomen of Sugarland,
Texas ended up in the mouth of a lion. Kimberly was on a tour of South Africa
and visiting the Leshoka Thabang Game Lodge in Limpopo when she was attacked.
She got off a game-viewing vehicle to pet one of three young lions after being
assured that it was safe. She was petting one of the lions when the lion clawed
her; she screamed, and then the other lions joined the attack. The tour
guide began trying to pull the lions off and eventually the young lions stopped
their attack. Thomen received wounds all over her body and a bite wound to her neck,
but Kimberly is expected to recover from her wounds.


How many times have we been told that some
dangerous thing is safe? How many young people have succumbed to having sex
outside of marriage believing that a condom will protect them from pregnancy
and sexual disease only to find out that it was not safe at all? There is a
contraceptive failure rate of 18.4 percent for girls under age 18. And among
young, unmarried, minority women the annual failure rate is 36.3 percent; among
unmarried Hispanic women, it is as high as 44.5 percent (Statistics from


Condoms provide even less protection against
sexually transmitted disease. 
Dr. Robert Renfield, chief
of retro-viral research, Walter Reed Army Institute says, 
“Simply put, condoms fail. And condoms
fail at a rate unacceptable for me as a physician to endorse them as a strategy
to be promoted as meaningful AIDS protection.”
 Dr. Teresa Crenshaw, member
of the U.S. Presidential AIDS Commission and past president of the American
Association of Sex Educators says, 
“Saying that the use of condoms is ‘safe
sex’ is, in fact, playing Russian roulette. A lot of people will die in this
dangerous game.”


Many have also been told that alcohol and illegally
used substances are not dangerous. Here are just a few of the dangers of
alcohol: nervous system depressant, affects almost every organ of the body,
alters perceptions, hinders coordination, blocks memory functions, can cause
stomach ailments, can cause sexual impotence, can cause heart and central
nervous system damage, causes damage to the liver and other organs, and can
cause blackouts. Alcohol also interacts negatively with over 150 medications.
Many young people die every year from alcohol poisoning and in the USA alcohol
contributes to 100,000 deaths annually.


Even marijuana a relatively benign recreational
drug in comparison to some other illegal drugs has some severe dangers. It is
thought that marijuana suppresses the immune system leaving the body more
susceptible to many illnesses (including cancer and AIDS). It is also thought
that marijuana is the source of many mental disorders, including 
“acute toxic psychosis, panic attacks
(one of the very conditions it is being used experimentally to treat),
flashbacks, delusions, depersonalization, hallucinations, paranoia, depression,
and uncontrollable aggressiveness. Marijuana has long been known to trigger
attacks of mental illness, such as bipolar (manic-depressive) psychosis and


lions are everywhere, and they are seeking to destroy you 
(1 Peter 5:8). There is a way to keep from being
devoured by the lions, and if the lion has you in its mouth, there is a way out.
That way out is to turn to the Lord Jesus and commit your life totally and
completely to Him just as the apostle Paul did. Then you will find that
the Lord will drag those lions off, and He will strengthen, and stand
with you to defend you 
every evil work and preserve 
(you) us for His
heavenly kingdom.”


Copyright © 1998 - 2021. Ed
Wrather. The Burning Bush website has been online since January 31, 1998. On
June 8, 1998 the email version of the Burning Bush Devotional was first sent.
Ed Wrather began writing devotionals in the early 1990s. The distribution of
those first devotionals was primarily through the Burning Bush Newsletter sent
to prison facilities throughout the United States and Canada.


Visit the
Burning Bush website:


The Burning Bush websites are
celebrating 23 years online since January 31, 1998. Since June 8, 1998 the
Burning Bush Devotional has been spreading the truth of God's Word to subscribers
across the world. At one time there were 18,000 subscribers in more than 70
countries to the devotional but that has now shrunk to around 9,000.


You can leave comments/feedback
about the devotionals at


There is a translation tool on website in the top right-hand corner of all of the pages.


Check out the Scripture Index being constructed for the Devotionals at
the Burning Bush website. The Links are in about the middle of the home page.
Topics for each devotional are now being added to the Index.

Please pray for God to touch and
bring about His will in these lives: Caleb Freeman’ Pat S.; Buck & Barbara
Wright; GWEN PRUET; James Perkins and his wife; Vonnie; Evi Porter; Addison;
JoJo, Bailey and Nicky; Ralph and De Chapman; Hilary; Cody Stahlman; Patsy M.; Todd
Higgins; Brandy and Jadyn’s Dad; John W.; Patricia Rohman and Lisa Butler who
has had a stroke; Scott J.; Karla W.; Clayton T. and Sarah; Clark S.; Lana
Bass; Matthew Collins; Marjean C.; Bradley E.; Fern McVey; Bill S.; Shonda Hutson;
and Sharon H.


Please pray for the coronavirus
COVID19 pandemic to come to an end. Pray for treatments and a cure for the
virus to be rapidly found and deployed. Pray for all those afflicted to be
healed and for our leaders to have supernatural wisdom and ability to lead us
through this pandemic.


Please pray for an end to the
rioting, looting, wanton destruction, and the racial hatred in the USA and that
it will be replaced with peace and love. May God help the USA! Many prayer
needs are posted at the Burning Bush website on the Prayer Request page. You
can also post your prayer requests there (Of
course, I am always in need of prayer - please pray for me
. 03.18.18 I accepted the call to be the pastor of Fairview
Baptist Church in Elk City, Oklahoma. Please pray for me and for this church.


You can contact Ed Wrather at


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There is a complete devotional
archive at the old Burning Bush website. Here is the URL:


Devotion vs Devotional: We do our
devotions, we read devotionals.


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