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BBD 08.09.02 Priorities

Posted by: wrather <wrather@...>

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The Burning Bush Devotional


"Then the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet saying, 'Is it time
for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, and this temple to lie
in ruins?' Now therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: "Consider your
ways! You have sown much, and bring in little; you eat, but do not have
enough; you drink, but you are not filled with drink; you clothe yourselves,
but no one is warm; and he who earns wages, earns wages to put into a bag
with holes.' Thus says the Lord of hosts: 'Consider your ways! Go up to
the mountains and bring wood and build the temple, that I may take pleasure
in it and be glorified,' says the Lord." - Haggai 1:3-8

A doctor in Massachusetts apparently had his priorities a little mixed
recently and as a result has been suspended by the state medical board. Dr.
David Arndt explained to a board investigator that he needed to deposit a
check in order to pay some past due bills. During the spinal operation he
called his office and asked if "Bob" had arrived several times, meaning the
check. When "Bob" finally did arrive Dr. Arndt told the other members of
the team that he was taking a break but did not tell them he was leaving the
building to go to his bank. Another doctor was present for the next
surgical procedure but he was not scrubbed in and was not certified for the
spinal procedure. The patient was left to lie on the operating table with
an open spinal incision for 35 minutes. The surgical team had no idea where
Dr. Arndt had gone but saved their questions and complaints until after the
surgery which was completed successfully.

The priorities of Dr. Arndt had never resulted in his suspension and loss of
his livelihood in the past. He was having an increasingly difficult time of
making ends meet but the day finally came when his real priorities were
revealed. He was much more concerned about his own financial condition than
about his patients. It was the costly result of misplaced priorities but a
mistake that many have been making for centuries. We work hard but never
seem to have enough; however, as long as we have a roof over our heads and
are relatively safe we think we are okay. The more we encounter problems
and sink toward catastrophe the more those things we surround ourselves with
seem unneeded and inconsequential.

The people in Jerusalem during the time of Haggai had started out well.
They demonstrated great courage returning from exile in Babylon and then
under the leadership of Nehemiah rebuilt the walls even though there was
opposition. They also laid the foundation for the temple but sixteen years
had now gone by since their good start. The people did not deny their
responsibility to rebuild the temple and they kept saying it just wasn't yet
time to do so. There was economic and political instability and it was a
difficult period; however, God knew the real problem was their misplaced
priorities. Despite the desperate times they still had found the funds need
to panel their own homes while the House of God was in ruins.

For us today the equivalent of investing in the building of the House of God
would be the investing of our time, energy, and resources into the building
up of the Kingdom of God. We may have always intended to witness to our
neighbors. We always intended to be more faithful in attending church. We
always intended to be more active in helping the hurting people around us.
We always intended to step out in faith, to step out of the boat and walk
with our Lord on the waters.

The time was long past to do the right thing God told the people so the best
thing to do was to get started doing the right thing not tomorrow but today.
What about us? Maybe today is the day we have been putting off for way too
long to build up the Kingdom of God? Let us "consider our ways!"

Copyright © 2002. Ed Wrather. Permission is given for use of the
devotionals on a non-profit basis with source credited.

If I can help you in any way please contact me at

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