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BBD 08.16.16 Put It Away (New)

Posted by: theburningbushdevotional <theburningbushdevotional@...>

Since June 8th 1998, this
is the

Burning Bush Devotional

16 August 2016



Put It Away



Let all
bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with
all malice.
 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one
another, even as God in Christ forgave you.
– Ephesians 4:31 NKJV.



Pursue peace with
 people, and holiness, without which no one will see the
carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of
bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled. –
Hebrews 12:14-15 NKJV.



Paul E.
Donovan, Jr. who is 69-years-old has for 56-years had a grudge against a former
childhood friend. Now, it is not that hard to understand why Donovan was upset
with his friend; but, really, holding onto it for 56-years! Donovan claims that
when he was 12-years-old his friend at the time stole $300 from a wooden box in
his room. That would be enough to upset anyone for a while. How do we know
Donovan has held a grudge for all these years? Because, the tombstone of his
former childhood friend was vandalized several times by Donovan.



In 2014,
Donovan spray painted “John” in bright
orange on the gravestone, this was done twice. Later in the year it was
vandalized again, this time with tar-like substance that was poured over the
stone. A camera was then set up by police to try to catch the perpetrator of
these acts of vandalism. In May of 2015, the perp was caught on video stealing
lights that had been set up around the tombstone to try to prevent more
vandalism. Donovan did immediately confess to the crime when arrested, but said
at time of his arrest that he will,
“pay back any restitution minus
the $300 he was owed over 56 years ago.”
judge has sentenced Donovan to two years of probation and ordered to pay $1500
in restitution to the family. Wonder how the judge will react to Donovan just
paying $1200? (Daily Local News 08.04.16)



It is likely that everyone reading this has had someone
do something to them that has caused pain, and likely anger at the time. Fifty
years ago someone stole a #1 Spiderman comic book from me that was in mint
condition. The record sale price for one of those is $110,000. If I still had
the comic it likely it would have been worth only a few thousand, because I
would have read it, and looked at it, and the value would have decreased. I
think I know who took the comic, but you know what? I would pay thousands of
dollars to not carry a grudge for fifty years! It was just something that
happened long ago, and I blame myself for leaving the comic where someone would
be tempted to take it. And, think of the guilt that person had, because they stole



With Paul Donovan we can see the danger to our emotional
and spiritual well-being from allowing bitterness to grow in our lives. That “bitter root” like a plant will slowly grow until the
fruit of bitterness springs up causing trouble and moral defilement making a
person unfit for serving God. The solution to such bitterness is to immediately
confess our bitterness to our Lord as 1 John 1:9
directs. Not only will our bitterness, even our grudge be forgiven, but our God
will comfort us so that the bitterness and anger is wiped away, replaced with
His peace which transcends all understanding. If you are holding onto a grudge,
let it go through the power of God before the evil fruit springs up in your
life. Put it away from you as Ephesians 4:31
says, “Let all
bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with
all malice.”



Copyright © 2016. Ed Wrather. The
Burning Bush website has been online since January 31, 1998. On June 8, 1998
the email version of the Burning Bush Devotional was first sent. Ed Wrather
began writing devotionals in the early 1990s. The distribution of those first
devotionals was primarily through the Burning Bush Newsletter sent to prison
facilities throughout the United States and Canada.



Visit the
Burning Bush websites:



The Burning Bush websites are celebrating
18 years online since January 31, 1998. Since June 8, 1998 the Burning Bush
Devotional has been spreading the truth of God's Word to more than 14,000
subscribers across the world.


The Addictions Kit - Biblical Help for Addictions by Ed Wrather is now
available for download from Amazon.
The Addictions Kit provides practical Biblical steps to defeat
your addiction that actually work.



The New Pastor's Training Manual is available for download on Amazon. Here is the link: If you prefer a paper copy of the book you can order it from
the Burning Bush website at


Books now available at the Burning Bush website:

New Pastor's
Training Manual

Biblical Help for Overcoming Substance Abuse

Biblical Help for Overcoming Sexual Addictions

In Times of Trouble - Devotionals to Encourage and
Strengthen You


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Check out the Scripture Index being constructed for the
Devotionals at the Burning Bush website. The Links are in about the middle of
the home page. Topics for each devotional are now being added to the Index.



Please continue to pray for Michelle Abetz, Shane
Hall, Brent, Brad, Reta (my sister), Beverly (Jeanie’s sister), Loretta Brewer
and Jeanie. I am still recovering from my hip problem, but thankfully I am no
longer in pain.



Please pray for an end to the
racial hatred in the USA and that it will be replaced with peace and love. Many
prayer needs are posted at the Burning Bush website on the Prayer Request page.
You can also post your prayer requests there (Of course, I am always in need of prayer - please pray for me. My
prayer focus is now that God will give me opportunities to preach. As the
apostle Paul says,
“…woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!”).


You can contact Ed Wrather at View LinkedIn profile with
endorsements at



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