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BBD 08.29.02 So Great a Salvation

Posted by: wrather <wrather@...>

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The Burning Bush Devotional

So Great a Salvation

"God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the
fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son,
whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the
worlds.. - Hebrews 1:1-2.

"Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard
lest we drift away. For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast,
and every disobedience received a just reward, how shall we escape if we
neglect so great a salvation.." - Hebrews 2:1-3a.

In Istanbul, Turkey a ship drifting out of control rammed into a well-known
Bosphorus-shore restaurant causing much damage to the building. Thankfully,
no one was injured and the ship has been pulled away by tugboats. It is
uncertain what caused the ship to drift out of control. To reduce the
hazards of the Bosphorus, which is one of the busiest waterways in the
world, Turkey has installed a new radar system to help guide vessels through
the treacherous currents.

People who neglect the things of God become much like that ship drifting
uncontrollably. When we neglect the things of God we may not even be aware
ourselves that we are out of control and if we are not aware most others are
not aware either. What gets our attention is when we suddenly come to a
crashing halt. The sudden unexpected crash may come through decisions made
without seeking the direction of God. The crash may come through our
succumbing to temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil. But the
cause of the crash occurred long before the crash when we began to stop
praying, stop reading God's Word, stop assembling with other believers, stop
serving and reaching out to others. The cause that resulted in the crash
occurred long before when we began to neglect our great salvation.

Our salvation is so great and should not be neglected because of several
Our salvation is eternal (John 10:28).
Our salvation was costly (Philippians 2:8; I Corinthians 6:19-20).
Our salvation is complete (Hebrews 9:28).
Our salvation is exclusive (John 14:6; Acts 4:12).

Have you been neglecting your salvation? Why would we ever neglect
something so good, so wondrous, and so amazing? Before the crash comes let
us stop our drifting and turn back to the safety of the salvation of God.
Let us mine that salvation, dive into that salvation, grab hold of that
salvation, learn of that salvation, and breathe of that salvation. Let us
never, ever neglect "so great a salvation."

Copyright © 2002. Ed Wrather. Permission is given for use of the
devotionals on a non-profit basis with source credited.

If I can help you in any way please contact me at

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