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BBD 09.14.05 Two Things

Posted by: wrather <wrather@...>

The transition to a new website has begun. It will take several months to
make this transition and during this time the old website will remain at the
current url and the new website will be at the url Both websites will remain active until the
transition is complete and new devotionals will be posted at the new and old
websites. All of the devotionals written during 2005 are available at the
new site. One of the new features is the ability to post your prayer
requests and praise reports automatically to the site.

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The Burning Bush Devotional

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Two Things

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. - John 3:16.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to
those who are the called according to His purpose. - Romans 8:28.

The bombing of the Murrah Building 1995

The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001

Hurricane Katrina's devastation 2005

What is next? The fact is that we do not know what is next - we do know,
however, that whatever it is - it is headed our way. It appeared for awhile
yesterday that something terrible was happening in Los Angeles with the
electricity going off for some time. Finally, it was reported that someone
had cut the wrong wire and that had caused all of the chaos. It did allow us
to see how fragile our lives are when just the cutting of the wrong wire can
cause so many so much trouble. We can only wish that it were that easy to
repair what is wrong on the gulf coast.

The point of this is that bad things do happen to good people and not so
good people all the time. Every one of us have our own difficulties and to
us at least our own disasters to deal with at times. Knowing this we should
conduct our own preparedness test and especially a spiritual one.

How do you respond when bad things happen? Do you curse, yell, and blame
God? Many people do and I have watched them on TV cursing God for what has
happened. At least there were quite a few taking God's name in vain.
Sometimes we have a name or several names to blame for a disaster and I
guess some believe we have one now i.e. Republicans. But to be fair we know
that it is more complicated than that and we have to wonder in every
disaster about what part God played or did not play in it. We will never
know on this earth for sure about the part God has in a disaster preventing
it, allowing it, causing it, etc. However, there are two things that we do
know and that we never have to wonder about or doubt as far as God is

Two things we know and we can stand on them through any storm, any problem,
any difficulty that this life may bring our way. What are those two things?
First, God loves you and wants the very best for you. God loved those people
who died in the terrorist attack on 9/11. God loves all those people who
have been affected by Hurricane Katrina's devastation.

How do we know that? Because the Bible tells us in John 3:16, "For God so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

What is the second thing that we know? We know Romans 8:28 is true "And we
know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those
who are the called according to His purpose." God will bring good out of
this terrible disaster on the gulf coast. We can look back and see that God
brought good out of the 9/11 disaster.

No matter what may happen in your life you need to remember those two things
because bad things do happen to good people. And when those bad things
happen: Remember this: God loves you and He has proved that love on the
cross. He died in your place, took your penalty upon Himself. And remember
that if you love God and follow Him - He can and will bring good out of the

Copyright © 2005. Ed Wrather. Permission is given for use of the devotionals
on a non-profit basis with source credited. The Burning Bush website has
been online since January 31, 1998. On June 8, 1998 the email version of the
Burning Bush Devotional was first sent.

The Crossmap Christian Search and Portal is a wonderful resource. I would
like to encourage you to visit this great site at Crossmap
has recently added the Burning Bush Devotionals to their site. You may visit
Crossmap's sister website, the online version of the Christian Post at

If you have a Christian website you are invited to add the link to my free
links at the Burning Bush website. The Bravenet free links is near the
bottom of the front page

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