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BBD 09.19.06 Used Cars by Dr Walker Moore

Posted by: wrather <wrather@...>

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Used Cars

Today's devotional was written by Dr. Walker Moore who is president of
AweStar Ministries in Tulsa, P. O. Box 470265, Tulsa 74147. You may contact
Walker at or 800.293.7827. Visit their website at

God's Word: For bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is
profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and
also for the life to come. - 1 Timothy 4:8

Reflection: I am not one of those guys that must have a brand-new car. To
me, a new car is one that has less than 100,000 miles on it. Cars have
become so expensive and now they have found a way to install everything but
the kitchen sink (I'll bet some even have that.) I rode this morning in a
friend's car and I thought I was having hot flashes. The part of my body
that I sit on began to get hot, very hot. Finally I mentioned it, and the
owner informed me that the car had built in seat warmers. Was I ever

Both of my sons have talked with me about trading in their cars and getting
a newer model. Personally, I think they both still have about 100,000 miles
left before that needs to happen. I gave my sons some fatherly advice about
when they need to trade their cars in for another one. 1) If you are sitting
at a stoplight and people keep running up to you asking if anyone was hurt,
then you might need a new car. 2) If thieves repeatedly break into your car
just to steal the Club, you might need to consider buying a new car. 3) If
your speedometer is written with Roman numerals then it might be time to get
a new vehicle. 4) If you lose the stoplight challenge to a 14-year old on a
moped, maybe you need a new mode of transportation. 5) If your car's air bag
is a whoopee cushion taped to your steering wheel, then it is probably time
to get another car.

I am not bragging, but my grandfather bought a brand new Chevrolet pickup in
1951 and 49 years later our family still drives it. This goes to show that
if you keep a car maintained it should last you a long time.

Like your car, your relationship with your child also benefits from regular
maintenance. After 3,000 miles you have to replace the "I love you" oil. You
cannot fill it up once and expect it to last forever. You also need to make
sure their self-esteem is adequately inflated. Two things that can ruin your
child are over inflation or under inflation. Make that a regular check,
because you do not want your children to have a blow out on the highway of

Take a look under the heart and see how their spiritual engine is running.
This is such a delicate part of their lives and sometimes bad fuel can cause
it to sputter or even to stall. There is nothing worse than a car sitting in
your driveway that will not run. But even worse is to have a child that is
sitting, going nowhere. So take care of your child-then both will last a

Insight: Watch for your child's check engine light and respond

Prayer: Dear Father, help me be a responsible parent. You have put a
delicate and complicated being in my home. Help me realize when something in
my child is not running right. Then give me the wisdom to know how to fix
it. Amen.

Copyright © 2006. Ed Wrather. Permission is given for use of the devotionals
on a non-profit basis with source credited. The Burning Bush website has
been online since January 31, 1998. On June 8, 1998 the email version of the
Burning Bush Devotional was first sent.

PRAYER REQUEST: I have an unspoken prayer request and covet your prayers.
Thank you! Ed Wrather. Update on being "Ripped Off" (Yesterday's
devotional): In additional to the unauthorized charge for $3463.67 at the
Home Depot on North Penn in Oklahoma City there have been two additional
charges. One charge for $1500.00 through T-Mobile in Bellevue, Washington
and a charge for $38.55 at the China House restaurant at 12400 N May Ave in
Oklahoma City. Please pray for the individual or the individuals that are
using my credit card information that God would intervene in their lives and
that they might come to know Him and serve Him.

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