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BBD 09.24.09 Peaceful Living

Posted by: wrather <wrather@...>

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Burning Bush Devotional has been spreading the truth of God's Word to more
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The Burning Bush Devotional

(A Devotional Classic from 2002)

Welcome to the 1036 new subscribers since January 1, 2009


Peaceful Living

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions,
and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in
authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and
reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ
Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. - 1
Timothy 2:1-6.

Three 16-year-old boys in Elgin, Illinois were a little bored last month
(2002) so they started playing a game. The game involved splashing gasoline
on their shorts, setting them on fire, and then rolling on the ground to try
to put out the flames. One of the boys ended up going to the hospital after
receiving second-degree burns. How sad that they felt they had to liven
things up in such a dangerous way.

So many times we are like those boys in Elgin, Illinois, and we do not
really appreciate having quiet and peaceful lives. Many of us have been
blessed with years of peace and quiet. We have been able to go to work and
other events without being in fear of our lives. For many across the world
that peace is being replaced with fear. Irrational violence has reared its
ugly head from Washington D.C. to Australia. Organized and orchestrated
violence has reached out and shattered peaceful lives from New York to Bali.

I have a new appreciation of peace. How wonderful it is when you do not have
to be afraid. What a great blessing we have been given to live quiet and
peaceful lives! It appears, however, that the peaceful lives many of us have
known may soon disappear if it hasn't already disappeared.

What would God have us to do at this point? If we would have peace we must
pray. We must pray for all people, all leaders, and all those in authority
so that they would come to know and be led by the Prince of Peace.

Copyright © 2002 - 2009. Ed Wrather. Permission is given for use of the
devotionals on a non-profit basis with source credited. The Burning Bush
website has been online since January 31, 1998. On June 8, 1998 the email
version of the Burning Bush Devotional was first sent.

Prayer Requests: Please pray for Malachi, Cody, and Mica who are young boys
with cancer. Malachi is very ill and in much pain. He is paralyzed on one
side because of a tumor pressing on his brain. Many prayer needs are posted
at the Burning Bush website on the Prayer Request page. You can also post
your prayer requests there and they will be forwarded to the Burning Bush
Prayer Group (Of course, I am always in need of prayer - please pray for

If you are not my friend on facebook or myspace you can be, just add me. The
devotionals are posted in my blogs on those two social networks and you can
leave comments, feedback about them there. There are other social networks
designed just for Christians, however, this is an outreach project to reach
those who may not know the Lord or may have wandered away. You can help me
reach out to them.

If you enjoy the devotional please recommend it to your friends. They may
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Two videos of my sermons are posted on GodTube at:

You can listen to services at my son, Clark Wrather's church (First Baptist
Church of Broken Bow, Oklahoma) live on Sunday mornings at 10:55am CST

There is a complete devotional archive at the old Burning Bush website. Here
is the URL:

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